Henry Parkes Speech
On the 24th of October 1889 Henry Parkes made a speech. His speech told that he was finally prepared to cooperate on behalf of NSW, Unite and have a National Government. The others colonies were already on the move for federation. All of the premiers agreed to have an informal federation conference in 1890. -
Australia's Federation Conference, Melbourne
On the 6-14th of February 1890 they had there Conference in Melbourne. Henry Parkes said yes to the Services toast to emphasise a common British Heritage; "The crimson thread of kinship runs through us all". The 13 people of the colonial governments and NZ agreed to Australia's increase in population, wealth and self-governing capacity since the 1883 convention. -
Resolutions for Constitutional Convention
In March 1891 constitutional convention delegates encounter to revise resolutions disposed by Parkes. Resolutions were put forward by Henry Parkes as chair main at the debate at the ensuring convention. These provisions remained intact through all successive Federation Debates. -
First Constitutional Convention in Sydney
In March-April 1891 they had their first constitutional Convention in Sydney. 7 members from each colony and three from NZ agreed to the name " Commonwealth of Australia" and drafted a constitution. Henry Parkes spoke "One people, one destiny". Sir Samuel Griffith, Clark Kingston, delegates of the conventions. -
1890's/1892's Depression
In the early 1890s/1892 this was a time for depression of all colonies except for WA. All banks shut down, immigration stopped and British investment dried up. -
Constitution Framed
22 March-23 April 1897 commissioners from five colonies (not QLD) came to the first session of National Australasian Convention in Adelaide. The president was premier Kingston from the SA and Barton was the leader of the convention. They built got more principles moved by Barton and used draft Constitution devised at the 1891 convention. -
QLD Aboriginals Protection Act
12 December 1897 QLD Aboriginals Protection act. This prevented aboriginal people from drinking alcohol or living outside reserves. -
Reid's Yes/No Speech
28 March 1898 Premier Ried gave a "yes/No speech, criticising the Constitution but saying he would vote. -
Secret Premiers Conference
29 Jan-2 Feb 1899 they was a secret premier conference held in Melbourne. All of the premiers attended for the first time since 1895. They all agreed to amend the constitution bill to meet the concerns of QLD and NSW. They also decided to have a federal captain for NSW but not within 100 miles of Sydney. -
Delegates to London
22 Dec 1899 Australian delegates were invited to London. -
Delegates in London
19-21 April the premiers had a conference held in Melbourne. They supported the Australian delegation in London. They confirmed there mandate was to seek the enactment of the Constitution bill, adopted by the Australian people -
Queen Victoria gives Royal Assent
17 September 1900s Queen Victoria proclaimed that the commonwealth of Australia, composed all six colonies, would come into existence on the 1 January 1901. -
First Federal Elections
20 March 1901 first federal elections held. They enhanced people to vote for lower house of their parliament. Everyone was allowed to -
Death of Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria Dies. Queen Victoria had expired at her palace at Osborne, on the evening 22nd instant at 6:30pm. To the great affiction of the Royal Family and of all subjects of all the Majesties subject. -
New National Flag
Australia's new national flag flown for the first time in Melbourne. 32,823 entries were submitted in the competition to design the national flag. -
First Federal Parliament
On the 9th of May 1901 Duke of York opened the first federal parliament in the Exhibition Building, Melbourne. -
First Premiers Conference
First Premiers Conference (called by prime minister)