Federation Timeline

By cdipino
  • Sir Hennry Parks Speach about federation.

    Sir Hennry Parks Speach about federation.
    Sir Hennery Parks made a speech about how all the colonies of Australia should unit. He made this famous speech in Tenterfield.
  • Period: to

    The Leaders of the colonies met in Melborne

    All the head of the colonies of Australia met in Melbourne to discuses how the colonies where going to federate. They did a lot of arguing and could not diced which colony was going to do what to help Australia and the smaller colonies thought that the larger colonies were going to run more of the federation then the smaller colonies.
  • Period: to

    One of the first Australian Covention's

    One of the first Australian convention was held in Sydney and the colonies drew a draft of how they where going to federate. They finished the draft on April 9.
  • Period: to

    Loss interest in Federation

    The Leaders of the colonies started to lose interest in federation and the draft never got used.
  • The leaders arrange to meet again

    The leaders arrange to meet again
    The Australian leaders arranged another meeting to discuss federation at Melbourne Town Hall.
  • Period: to

    The 2 national covention

    The 2 national convention met in Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne and all agreed to constitution.
  • Period: to

    Vote 'Yes' to federation

    The leaders decided that they were going to let the people in their colonies. They had to decide if they were voting for if they were going to say 'yes' to the Federation bill or not.
  • Period: to

    The secret meeting

    The leaders of the colonies met again in secret in Melbourne. They decided to have a Federal site in NSW but it was not within 100 Miles of Sydney
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria announced that the commonwealth of Australia would be finalized on the 1 of January 1901.
  • Time to Federate

    Time to Federate
    On the 1st of January, the Commonwealth of Australia was announced in Central Park.