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federation timeline by Anthony

By Year 6
  • Period: to


  • goldfields

    Violence occurs towards Chinease on the goldfields
  • Eureka Rebellion

    Eureka Rebellion
    The Eureka Rebellion takes place
  • voting

    men in south Australia get the vote
  • voting

    men in victoria get the vote
  • voting

    men in new south wales get the vote
  • voting

    men in queensland get the vote
  • boom time

    boom time
    this decade is the boom time in Australia
  • strike occurs

    Maritime workers strike occurs
  • constitution

    national convention to draft the constitution is held
  • voting

    men in western Australia get the vote
  • voting

    women in south Australiia get the vote
  • federation disscution

    Premiairs confrences discuss federation
  • second constitution

    second convention to draft the constitution is held
  • referendom

    the first referandom for federation is held
  • second referandom

    the second referandom for federation occurs.women in western Australia get the vote
  • voting

    men in tasmania get the vote
  • Australias population reaches 3 773 801

    Australia becomes a natroi. the Australian Government takes control of all Australian colonial army and naval forces. Australias population reaches 3 773 801
  • prim minister

    Edmund barton becoms Australias first prim minister
  • women get rights

    women get the right to vote in Australan federial electritions. women in new south wales get the vote in their state.
  • second prim minister

    women in tasmania get the vote. the high court of australa is formed. Alfred Deakin becomes the second prim minister of australia.
  • court is formed

    the conciliation and Arbitration court is formed
  • voting

    women in queensland get the vote. Deakin becomes prim minster for the second time.
  • british new Guinea

    Australia becomes resposible for british new Guinea
  • voting

    women in victoria get the vote. the site of the national capital is chosen. Andrew fisher becomes prim minister.
  • commonwealth bank

    the commonwealth bank is set up
  • royal Australian navy

    the royal Australian navy is formally established
  • world war 1

    prim minster fisher commits Australias forces to fighting in world war 1