Federation Timeline

By sbird4
  • 2017 BCE


    The second National Australian convention met in Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne.
  • 2017 BCE


    Referendums where held in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania to approve the constitution.
  • 2017 BCE


    Edmond Barton visited NSW, because 15 Federation leagues where formed in the Riviera Community.
  • 2017 BCE


    On January, the premiers held a secret meeting. Because they wanted to change several things to the constitution.
  • 1895 BCE


    29 Jan 1895
    A special premier's conference agrees to hold a federation convention.
  • 1891 BCE


    March/April 1891
    The first National Australasian Convention is held in Sydney and drafts a constitution.
  • 1890 BCE


    6 – 14 February 1890
    The Australasian Federation Conference recommends a national convention to take place to draft a constitution for the Australia Commonwealth.
  • 1889 BCE


    24th October
    Sir Henry Parkes, Premier of New South Wales, calls on the colonies to Federate. He made a speech at Tenterfield in favour of Federation.
  • 1891-1894

    The colonial parliaments lost interest in doing federation.