Sir Henry Parkes
Sir Henry Parkes, premier of New sout h wales,urges the coloneice to federate. -
First natanal australia ferdicon
the first national australia ferdircon ference recommands a national convetion he held that was to daft a constitution for the commerwealth of Australia. -
A peopel conflution
In corowa NSW a peopel conflution, urges the colonia parliments to hold a new convention to decide on a draft constrution. -
The secret meeting
then the premiers hold a secret meeting that agrees the svral changs to the constitution to the constitrution. Then refunds are held in in SA,NSW,VIC and TAS.at witch a majoraty vote YES to the bill. In steptember QLD votes edose the constitfution. -
the approval
In march a delvelogater traverls to london to present the constution to british parlement passes the commwelth of australia consitrution.On july queen victorier signs Australia constifution. On 31 july WA hold are referendum at witch a overwhellming majority of vote approved. -
australia first prime minister
The commerwealth of australia is proclaimed rhe first prime minister (Edmund Barton) and parlement were sworn in.