Sir henry parkes australian father of federation


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  • 1881

    Government Statisicians arranged simultaneous Australian census held as part of the general imperial censeus. At this time Australia's population was 2 250 194
  • 1883

    Opening of the Sydney to Melbourne is celebrated with a banquet in Albury in New South Wales
  • 1889

    Henry Parkes made his famous speech in Tenterfield, New South Wales calling for a national convention to discuss federating Australia and to discuss about all little colony armys coming together as one big army and coming under one command, then it will be easier to defend and attack and Australia wont get invaded by the Chinese because the Chinese had invaded small countries arond Australia and they were scared that they will try to invade Australia next and we will be Slaves to the Chinese.
  • 1891

    Under the Chaimanship of Henry Parkes, A national convention drafted a constitution or a big book of rules of how Australia will be run, under the name of The Commonwealth of Australia. Sir Edmund Barton Helped write the draft constitution and also attended all Federal Conventions.
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    From 1891 to 1894, Gerorge Reid fought against Federation and worked as a New South Wales opposition leader. But when he became New South Wales Premier he supported Federation strongly.
  • 1893

    A Premier named John Quick suggested at the Corowa Conference that elected people in each colony should meet at a Federal Convention to write a constitution, which all people in the colonies will have an oppurtunity to vote on this Constitution in a Referendum.
  • 1895

    The Colonial Premiers in Horbart, Tasmania agreed to the Corowa Conference of 1893 the suggestion of John Quick about electing a representitive from each colony to write the Federal Constitution of Australia.
  • 1898-2

    Premier George Reid gave his noutorius 'Yes\No' speech critising the Constitution, but when he became premier he voted Yes for the Constitution.
  • 1898

    A referendum held by Sir George Ried on the Constitution was held but it failed in New South Wales. Western Australia and Queensland did not hold referendums. It failed in New South Wales because Sir George Reid set the number of Yes votes too high which means if they got lower than that number then the New South Wales people would basicly say no and the New South Wales votes didnt meet the requirment of the number of people saying yes.
  • 1899

    Some changes were made to the Constitution and new referendums were held in all colonies nexept Western Australia. The votes favoured Federation.
  • 1900

    The Constitution was finally accepted by the Western Australian colony people at a Referendum held in July.
  • 1900-2

    Australian Delegates travelled to London to obtain the consent of Queen Victoria or British Parliment for the new Constitution. This was held on the 9th of July.
  • 1901

    In 1901 the first Australian Prime minister was elected-Sir Edmund Barton, Sir Edmund Barton Helped write the draft constitution.
  • 1901-2

    Janurary the 1st the Commonwealth of Australia was Proclaimed, and Australia came together as one for the first time.
  • 1901-3

    Duke of York opened the first Federal Parliment in the Exhibition Building, Melbourne. Federal Parliment met in Melbourne's Parliment House until 1927. The Head Quaters of most Commonwealth departments were also established in Melbourne.