Federalist Era Timeline

  • Washington Is Elected

    Washington Is Elected
    George Washington is elected the first president of the United States of America. HE was a general in the Revolutionary War.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The House of Representatives votes to recommend a Bill of Rights to be added to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights contains the ten amendments.
  • Hamilton's First Report

    Hamilton's First Report
    Hamiltons First Report was about paying off national debt. He felt it was bad to pay them off as states.
  • Bank of the United States Charted

    Bank of the United States Charted
    The National Bank was made to pay of debts. It also helps trade and paying taxes.
  • First Ambulance

  • The Exicution of Louis XVI Of France

  • The Canada Act

  • Whitney Invents Cotton Gin

  • Whiskey Tax Rebellion

    Whiskey Tax Rebellion
    The government started taxing whiskey. Citizens, especially farmers, were angry. In July of 1794 the rebellion turned into violence.
  • The Battle of Fallen Timbers

    The Battle of Fallen Timbers
    The Native Americans were mad at the Americans for taking their land so they fought them. The Americans won and the Native Americans signed a treaty.
  • France Over Runs Netherlands

  • The Pinckney Treaty

    The Pinckney Treaty
    When Spain was nervous America was siding with Britain, they made a treaty called the Pickney's Treaty. This allowed America to have free navigation on the Mississippi river.
  • Jia Qing Becomes Emperor Of China

  • Jenner Develops Small Pox Vaccine

  • Death of Catherine the Great

  • Adams Elected President

    Adams Elected President
    John Adams got 71 electoral votes. Thomas Jefferson became vice president.
  • The Kentucky Resolutions

    The Kentucky Resolutions
    This clammed that the Alien and sedition acts violated the Constitution. They declared they be not put into action.
  • Napoleon Takes power In Paris

  • Volta Invents Electric Cell

  • Judiciary Act of 1801

    Judiciary Act of 1801
    This set up the court system. This separated the federal governments from the state government.