Articles of Confederation 15th November 1777--STATES
Original document created by the first thriteen states that failed and was scrapped for what would become the US Constitution. It gave almost all power to the states, and limited national government considerably. -
Constitutional Convention-25th May 1787--FEDERALISM
Covention where the Founding Fathers sought to created a more federalistic government. It eventually gave more power to the national government by creating the Constitution. -
10th Amendment-- December 15 1791--STATES
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Reserved power to the states, it gave states more power that way. -
McCulloch v. Maryland(1819)
Supreme Court ruled that states could not tax the federal gov't, specifically, the Bank of the United States. The court ruled in favor of the national gov't, recognizing their power to tax as the highest authority. -
Gibbons v. Odgen(1824)--FEDERALISM
Court Case the challenged the federal go'vt's right to regulate interstate commerce. The courts ruled that the right to regulate should stay with the federal go'vt, expanding their powers. -
Civil War- April 12 1861--FEDERALISM
Bloody War fought between the Union and seceded states over sovereignty of states/slavery. Because the Union won, they secured their authority over the staes, and assumed more power to help the South rebuild. -
14TH Amendment July 15 1868--FEDERALISM
Amendment to the US Constitution that granted voting rights to any natural born citizen of the US. This put more control in the hands of the national government because they declared that they could regulate who was to vote within the States. -
Pure Food and Drug Act--30th June 1906
Legislation passed to protect what citizens were consuming by cleaning up meat processing factories and creating stricter controls of which medicenes could be sold etc.. Example of the national governemnt creating more authority for itself. -
16th Amendment- Feb 3rd 1913--FEDERALISM
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." Declared that the National government (Congress) has the power to lay and collect taxes. Gave more power to federal government. -
Gitlow v. New York(1925)
A Supreme Court case in which the court had to consider whether it could review a challenge to a state law on the basis that it violated the federal constitution. It ruled that state and local governments could not pass legislature that violated the freedom of speech, in favor of federal gov't. -
The New Deal1933-1938--FEDERALISM
Series of domestic programs designed to rebuild the American economy created by Franklin D Roosevelt. It expanded the national government's powers because they were able use their already existing power to do what the states could not on a federal scale. -
Brown v. The Board of Education(1954)--FEDERALISM
Court case that declared state laws mandating the separation of schools by color unconstitutional. Ruled in favor of the federal gov't, basically saying federal laws havbe more authority over state laws. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964- Jun 2nd 1964--FEDERALISM
Act that outlawed discrimmination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin. Expanded national governements powers by declaring that they had authority (over states) when determining whether or not discrimmination was occuring. -
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964--FEDERALISM
Authorized the formation of local Community Action Agencies , that were regulated directly by the federal governement, as part of the War on Poverty. Example of the expansion of federal powers through the creation of agencies over the states. -
Election of Ronald Reagan 4th November 1980--STATES
Election of Ronald Reagan, who initiated devolution by using block grants that gave more freedom/power to the states to do with that money whatever they want. This event gave more power to the states. -
Americans with Disabilities Act- July 26th 1990--FEDERALISM
Civil Rights law that prhibits the discrimmination against people with disabilities. Gave more power to the National government by declaring that the national government has the power to deem any power under its actions unconstitutional becasue they discrimminated against those woth disabilities. -
Planned Parenthood v. Casey(2000)--FEDERALISM
Court Case in which the right to have an abortion was challanged. The Supreme Court upheld the constitutional right to have an abortion while altering the standard for analyzing restrictions. Ruling in favor of the national gov't, this retained their power to offer abortions through Planned Parenthood. -
Untied States v. Lopez (1995)--STATES
The Supreme Court ruled that Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority under the Commerce Clause when it passed a law prohibiting gun possession in local school zones. It ruled in favor of the states, saying that federal government had overstepped it bounds. -
104th Congress-- Jan 3rd 1995-1997--STATES
Met in 19995-1997,with a Republican majority. Parts of the 'Contract With America' passed. Influenced State's rights through the giving of block grants that gave more power to the States-- another example of evolution. -
Printz v. United States (1991)--STATES
Supreme Court ruling that established the unconstitutionality of certain interim provisions, including guns rights legislature the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. The Court ruled in favor of the states, deeming it unconstitutional to require that states do background checks on every consumer who buys a gun. -
Terrorist Attacks-September 11 2001--FEDERALISM
Series of four attacks by a terrorist group called al-Qaeda. These attacks caused natiowide fear that resulted in new fedral laws like the Patriot Act which gave the national government authority to stregthen security controls, giving the national government more power. -
No Child Left Behind-8th Jan 2002--FEDERALISM
Legislature passed that requires states to create basic assements, and standardize their education to help children who are at a disadvantage succeed. Example of the federal government expanding its own powers ovder the states.