
  • Cooperative Federalism

    Cooperative Federalism
    Cooperative Federalism often meant that federal government provided the funding. They also set terms for policy solution on a national level but left implementation to the states. An example is is Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
  • DOMA

    The Defense of Marriage Act is enacted. This act specifically defines marriage as the union between one mana nd one woman. Also allowing states to refuse same sex marriages that are performed in other states
  • After 9/11

    The Federal government created new grants to support state and urban security strategies
  • Funding

    Federal government transferred over $350 million to states for " addressing the identified planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding tom and recovering from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic evets"
  • Marriage Benefits

    Marriage Benefits
    U.S Supreme Court rules that same-sex couples in states that allow same-sex marriage could not be denied federal benefits. The overules part of, but not all, of DOMA
  • Homeland Security

    Homeland Security
    Homeland Security announces the implementation and one year trial period of deferred enforcement. Twenty-two states were in complience.
  • Welcome to Colorado!

    Welcome to Colorado!
    Colorado and Washington are the first states to enact a state legal system of marijuana cultivation. Distributing to adults 21 and over is almost permitted.