McCulloch v. Maryland
The government of Maryland, which intended to regulate its own banks and did not want to competition from a national bank, imposed a tax on the Second Bank's Baltimore Branch in attempt to put that branch out of business. The branches cashier, McCulloch refused to pay the Maryland tax. Maryland took McCulloch to it State Court, the state of Maryland won. The national government appealed the case to the supreme court. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
The New York State courts prohibited Gibbons from operating in New York waters. Gibbons appealed to the supreme court. Marshall's ruling allowed the national government to exercise increasing authority over all areas of economic affairs throughout the land. -
The shift Back to the State's Rights / The Civil War
Representatives from six southern states met at Montgomery, Alabama to form a new government called the Confederate States of America. The Civil war Amendments. The 13th Amendment ratified 1865 abolished slavery and the 14th Amendment defined who was citizen of each state. it sought equal rights under state law, and the 15th amendment gave African Americans the right to vote in all elections. -
The Role of the Supreme Court
The court ruled that national law banning child labor was unconstitutional because it ateemtpted to regulate a local problem, in effect the court placed severe limits on the ability of congress to legislate under the commerce clause of the Constitution. -
Cooperative Federalism
The theory that the states and the national government should cooperate at in solving problems. (AFDC) 1935-1996 funded by the federal government to aide and fund Families with Dependent Children, as well as the connecting the interstate highway connections allowing citizens to freely travel to the state to state and roads maintianed by the department of transportation. -
The New Deal and Cooperative Federalism
The Great Depression over 1,500 banks had failed and over 30,00 business had closed and almost 1/4 of the population was unemployed. The public expected national government to something during the great depression but they did very little. 1930-1932 -
Categorical Grants
Begining of the 1960's the government started funding program grants. the funding required states to apply for grants for specific programs and grants give national government a great degree of control over state activities than formula grants, such as Medicaid, highway construction, and people with disabilities. -
The politics of Federalism
the allocation of power between state and national government continues as a major issue, which level the federal government should be held accountable for.