Big Move
Ashley decided it was time to make things more serious with her log term boyfriend, John, and move into a place together. They have been together for 2 years and felt it was the next step in their relationship. Erikson's Sixth Stage, intimacy versus isolation, this is the difference between growing close with someone emotionally intmatly and keeping your self gaurded; never commiting to another person. -
It's a girl!!
Ashley and John have just had their first child, Emily! Eriksons Seventh stage is about the challenge of generativity versus stagnation. the difference between putting your focus in the next generations well-being by taking care of them. The opisite person who focuses solely on their own wants and desires. -
Emily is having trouble figuring out who she is and its causing her trouble at school with fitting in with others her own age, she came to her mom for advice. Erikson's fifth stage the challanges between identity versus identity confusion. In this stage the person is identifing who they they are , what they can do, and how they fit in with the world around them. A person who is having problems with this will have identitiy confusion, -
Ashley was reflecting on her life whil enjoying her granddaughters birthday. John had passed, the kids are grownup with children of their own. She looked back over the last 65 years of her life; she raised a family, got through college, traveled and was a teacher for 30 years. Erikson's eigth stage ego integrity versus Despair. the difference between the satisfaction of one's life no matter what was good or bad . And having regrets with how your life turned out and wishing you can do it over.