Agreement between the Republic of Ocenia and the Republic of Eastasia for the promotion and recipocral protection of Investments
Agreement between the Republic of Ocenia and the Republic of Euroasia for the promotion and recipocral protection of Investments
Agreement between the Republic of Ocenia and the Republic of Eastasia for the promotion and recipocral protection of Investments entered in force
Agreement between the Republic of Ocenia and the Republic of Euroasia for the promotion and recipocral protection of Investments came in to forçe
In november 1997the suspension of arms production also took its toll on the local commnunity
In February 1998, the claimant invested in the Republic of Oceania by Purchasing 100% of the shares in "Rocket Bombs Ltd"
In March 1998 Peter explosive became a sole member of the board of directors of the company
Private meeting with the President of the National Enviroment
National Environment Authority issued an enviroment license approvving the commencement of arms production
Peter Explosive obtained an environmental license from the Oceanian National Environment Authority
The ministry of enviroment of oceania denied the request of Rocket Bombs for the subsidy
Peter Explosive approacched the Minister of National Defence in the Republic of Euroasia
Peter met with representatives of the Ministry of National Defence including the minister and concluded a contract for arms production
Concluded Contranct with the Ministry of National Defence actiong of behalf of the Republic of Euroasia
Contranct with the Ministry of National Defence actiong of behalf of the Republic of Euroasia became effective
The residents of Fairyland decided in a referendum that fairyland should be reaunited with its homeland
Concluded Contranct with the Ministry of National Defence actiong of behalf of the Republic of Euroasia was set to expire on 1 jan 2014
The Ministry of National Defence proposed the conclusion of another contract that was actually concluded on 28 Feb, 2014
The region of Fairyland was peacefully re-united with the republic of Euroasia
Euroasia officially declared that Fairyland had returned to the motherland and formed a Euroasiazn region
Eastasia declared the annexation to be illegal
Eastasia broke diplomatic relations
The contraxt concludeded with the Ministry of National Defence of Euroasia became effective
All contracts with companies operating in the territory of the republic of Oceania were terminated by virtue of the Executive Order of the President of Oceaniaon blocking property of persons contributing to the situation in Eastasia
?? Decisions by the court ??
President of National Enviroment Authority convicted of accepting bribes
Peter Explosive was informed he was under invetigation
General Prosecutor's Office iniciated criminal proceedings against Peter Explosive
Request for Arbitration
Peter explosive -
Answer to request for Arbitration
ICC Arbitration Statement
Procedural order 1
August 2013 - Authorities of fairyland decided to hold a referendum