FCS History

  • Benjamin Thompson

    Benjamin Thompson
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    Benjamin Thompson

    He was the one of the first people to label nutrition as a science in the late 1800s. Thompson helped discover the modern theory that heat is a form of motion. Understanding this, he invented the first cooking range with temperature controls. Other inventions include the double boiler and drip coffee pot.
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    Ellen S. Richards

    Earned an A.B from Vasser College in 1870. She was the first woman to be admitted into MIT where she earned her B.S and Masters degree in 1873. Richards started the early stages of the school lunch program. Additionally, she started selling healthy lunches at the Chicago Worlds Fair in 1894.
  • W.O Atwater

    W.O Atwater
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    W.O Atwater

    American scientist who focused on agricultural chemistry and nutrition science. He graduated with his Ph.D. in agricultural chemistry in 1869. Atwater went on to work with E.B Rosa to construct the Atwater-Rosa Calorimeter. For this reason, Atwater is considered to be the "father of nutrition".
  • Morrill Act

    An act created in 1862 that provided grants of land to states to help finance the establishment of colleges specializing in agricultural and mechanical sciences.
  • Land-Grant Universities

    United States institute of higher education that was given federal land through the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890. Kansas was the first state to take advantage of this program
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    Martha Van Rensselaer

    She was elected school commissioner from 1893-1899, a position usually held by men. Later she developed Cooperative Extension Service Programs at Cornell University in 1900. Due to the success, Cornell University began offering full-time home economics classes in 1908. Rensselaer would later become the president of American Home Economics Association where she would serve from 1914-1916.
  • Land-Grant Universities in Arkansas

    The first land-grant university to open in Arkansas was on January 22, 1872. The two land-grant universities in Arkansas is The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.
  • Ellen S. Richards

    Ellen S. Richards
  • Clara Belle Drisdale Willams

    Clara Belle Drisdale Willams
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    Clara Belle Drisdale Willams

    In 1901, she entered Prairie View A&M University where she graduated as Valedictorian in 1905. She later became the first African American from New Mexico University in 1937. After graduation, she taught at Booker T. Washington School in the racially segregated Las Cruces school system for 27 years. In 1980, Willam's received an honorary law degree along with an apology from New Mexico State University.
  • Lake Placid Conference

    Lake Placid Conference
  • Martha Van Rensselaer

    Martha Van Rensselaer
  • Smith Lever Act of 1914

    This act established a national cooperative extension service that extended outreach programs through land-grant universities to educate rural Americans about advances in agriculture and technology.
  • Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

    Formally known as the National Vocational Education Act, this Act provided federal funding to the states for the purpose of promoting pre collegiate vocational education. These included areas in agriculture, industrial trades, and home economics.
  • School Lunch Program was created

    School Lunch Program was created
  • Vocational Education Act of of 1963

    Provided grants to states to maintain, improve, and develop vocational-technical education programs.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1968 & 1973

    This modified existing programs and provided a National Advisory Counsel on Vocational Education.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1976

    This required states who were receiving federal funding through the Vocational Amendment to develop and carry out activities and programs to eliminate bias, stereotyping, and discrimination in vocational education.
  • Food Guide Pyramid was created

    Food Guide Pyramid was created
  • AAFCS was created

    AAFCS was created
  • FCCLA was created

    FCCLA was created
  • Carl Perkins Act

    This act was created to increase focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students, strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improve state and local accountability for CTE areas.