Virginia Declaration of Rights
In 1776, George Mason published this in Williamsburg, Virginia to show the inherent rights of men. This led to the further creation of documents such as the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. -
Ratification of Articles of Confederation
This event led to the reduced control of the central government and gave more power to the states. -
Treaty of Paris (1783)
The treaty to end the Revolutionary War and declare America's independence. The authors of This were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens. -
Land Ordinance of 1785
A standardized system where people could purchase undeveloped land in the west. This Act was passed by the members of Congress where they created a grid system and divided the land up into individual square miles. -
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Shays’ Rebellion
A rebellion led by Daniel Shays, a revolutionary war veteran, to capture the United States arsenal at the Armory at Springfield using four thousand troops to get there. Along with Shays, his followers believed that they were not being treated their civil rights and were suffering from economic injustice. -
Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
Written by Thomas Jefferson in Virginia, this bill proclaimed the separation between religion and state. -
Constitution convention
Delegates from five states went to Philadelphia to discuss the improvements of the Articles of Confederation. Those members included Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams and John Hancock. -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Passed by the Congress of Confederation to create the territory northwest of the Ohio River. It is also known as the Freedom Ordinance. -
Ratification of Constitution
After a vote of 30-0 Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution. Then 10 months later, the other nine states ratified it. -
George Washington Inauguration
This marked the first presidential term in the United States and Washington as the first American president at the Federal Hall in New York City. Also this is where the first United States Congress met. -
Washington Inaguration
This marked the first presidential term in the United States and Washington as the first American president at the Federal Hall in New York City. Also this is where the first United States Congress met. -
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French Revolution (relate to US)
Social upheaval in France with contribution from Napoleon which ended up with Napoleon as just another dictator. Opposite of American Revolution because its result did not give the people more political control in the end. -
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Whiskey Rebellion
The result of a whiskey tax caused western farmers to organize together and violently riot. Washington assembled an army of 13,000 men to suppress it as a presentation of national authority over local communities. -
Jay Treaty
Written by John Jay to avert another war and resolving issues form the Treaty of Paris. Signed in London. -
Treaty of Greenville
A Treaty that ended the Northwest Indian War and established the Greenville Treaty Line. This was marked as the beginning of modern Ohio history -
Pinckney Treaty
Treaty written by Thomas Pinckney to establish cooperativeness between France and U.S. This helped with the trade relations in New Orleans. -
Washington Farewell
Washington's announcement of retirement after two terms in office to set a precedent for all future presidents. In it were a series of his political beliefs and how to conserve this nation's freedom. -
Election of 1796
The first contested presidential election between federalist John Adams and anti-federalist, Thomas Jefferson. The outcome ended with Adams' victory and the permanent rivalry between federalists and anti-federalists. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Act to make becoming a citizen increasingly difficult. It allowed the president to deport unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. Federalists believed this to increase national security. -
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XYZ affair
A diplomatic issue between U.S. and France. The name comes form the three intermediaries Jean Hottinguer, Pierre Bellamy and Lucien Hauteval. Marquis de Talleyrand wanted to use America to improve his position in France by bribing America's three diplomats. John Adams declared a quasi-war with France -
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Quasi War
A war mainly at sea between America and France as result of the X,Y,Z Affair. The U.S. refused to pay off the remaining war debts owed to France which angered them into this attack on American vessels. -
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Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Declared the Alien and Sedition Act unconstitutional. This was written secretly by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison whom wanted strict constructionism and states' rights. This helped influence the cause of the Civil War. -
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Election of 1800
In this election, Thomas Jefferson won against John Adams 73 to 65. This began the period of the Democratic-Republican Party.