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Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi / Pedagogue and Educational reformer.
Born in Burlington, Vermont.
Graduated from University of Vermont
Received his PhD from Johns Hopkins Uiverrsity.
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His fisrt book was written in 1887. He wrote over 1000 works essays, articles, and books.
Psychology department chairman of the University of Chicago.
He started his Laboratory School at University of Chicago called Pragmatism
My Pedagogic Creed (Book)
The School and Society (Book)
The Child and the Curriculum (Book)
He became president of the American Philosophical Association.
Democracy and Education (Book)
He lectured on Educational Reform at schools all over the world.
He retired from teaching, but he became an active member of numerous educational league for academic freedom.
Experience and Education (Book)
John Dewey Died in New York City, NY
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Michelle Rhee / American educator and an advocate for eucational reform.