Fault in Our Stars

  • Fault in Our Stars

    Hazel is diagnosed with lung cancer. She doesn't leave her house at all, so her mother makes her go to a cancer support group at their church.
  • Hazel meets Augustus

    When she's at the supports group, her friend Isaac had brought a new friend to the group which his name is Augustus, he as well has cancer. He doesn't stop staring at Hazel so she confront him. Then later he invites her over his house to watch a movie and she agrees.
  • Hazel goes over Augustus house for the first time

    Augustus introduce her to his parents, and shows his trophies to her. They also watch a movie, Augustus gives a book to Hazel to read and she gives him her favorite book.
  • Finding the ending of the book

    The books hangs with a cliffhanger, questioning them both on how it ends.
  • Both contact the Author of the book

    Hazel tries to contact him directly and wasn't successful, until Augustus found an email that sends a direct email to the authors assistant.
  • Peter Von Hounten replies back

    After a few months he finally replies back, The assistant has said that the ending was secret, so they both want to go to Amsterdam and find out themselves.
  • Augustus uses his 'Make a Wish'

    In order to find out the ending the book they must go to Amsterdam, they do not have the finances to afford the trip.So Augustus uses his because Hazel used hers on a trip to Disneyland with family.
  • They fly to Amsterdam

    Augustus, Hazel and her mom travel to Amsterdam and all the expenses are all paid off for because of Augustus wish.
  • They go to a fancy dinner

    They go to a very expensive dinner. Augustus wears a tuxedo that was already picked for him when they thought he would pass away.
  • They meet Peter Von

    Before letting them in the author slams the door on them because he wasn't aware that they were coming.
  • Peter assisant quits

    She realizes how rude he is to both Hazel and Augustus, because he refuses to tell them the end and she feels bad for them both
  • Augustus tells Hazel bad news

    Augustus has been rediscovered his cancer and has been getting worse day-to-day. The doctor says he doesn't have much left. Hazel is very disappointed.
  • They come back home from Amsterdam

    They don't speak for a while after the trip, Hazel has been crying the whole time and Augustus tries to get in contact with her.
  • Augustus dies

    After weeks of being sick he passes away. Everybody is very devastated. Especially Hazel she cries the most.
  • Hazel speaks on Augutus funeral

    It's very very hard to hazel to speak upon Augustus funeral. She does her best to stay strong and speak on her heart instead of a paper.
  • Peter attends Augustus funeral

    Peter attended his funeral because he had received a later prior to his death to come.
  • Hazel tries finding a letter Augustus wrote before his pasting

    Hazel looks everywhere for the letter but Isaac (Augustus best friend) tells her that Peter had it and when he tried giving it to her she throws it at him and she know realized it was his.