End of WW1
Germans sign armistice and WW1 ends, it ends after 4 years of turmoil and hardships -
Period: to
fascism timeline
National Fascist party is founded in Italy
National Fascist party is founded by Benito Mussolini. he promises to revive the Italian economy and rebuilding the Italian army. -
germany's "weimar republic" is formed
the weimar republic was germany's democratic government from 1919 to 1939. the weimar republic was formed after the economic crisis and chaos that occured because WW1. the weimar republic had sworn to help rebuild and stabilize the naton -
Mussollini and other fascists are elected into chamber of deputies
Musollini and 35 other facist were elected into the chamber of deputies, this then caused mass political tension which almost led italy to a civil war. -
Mussolini elected prime minister
in an effort to avoid war with the communists, King Victor Emmanuel appoints Benito Mussolini as prime minister. Mussolini then used his army to rid any government that opposed his fascist views. -
First Nazi Rallies and Parades
Some of the first Nazi parties were held during this time. this was then the rise of fascism in Nazi germany, it also led to the produce of Nazi propaganda films. -
The Us stock Market crashes
the stock market crash of 1929 was thought to caused the the large gain in popularity for the nazi's and Benito Mussolini's italy, as they had promised to stabilize their countries economy -
Adof Hitler admires Benito Mussolini
Hitler was quoted in an interview saying "They know that Benito Mussolini is constructing a colossal empire which will put the Roman Empire in the shade. We shall put up ... for his victories. Mussolini is a typical representative of our Alpine race" this quote alone shows how Adolf Hitler Admired Mussolini and how he wished to do the same in his own country -
Hitler is named "chancellor of Italy"
The Nazi's had urged President Paul Von Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor. Once the president had accepted, Hitler gained control of the many aspects of German life -
Nuremberg Rally (Rally for victory)
The 5th party congress was held in Nuremberg. The term Rally For victory is used as this rally was thought to have signaled the nazi takeover in germany. -
Germany and Italy sign pact of steel
Germany and Italy come together to merge the fascist views and sign the pact of steel, however it was dissolved in 1943 with the overthrowing of the fascist Italian government