Leading up to the Second World War

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan invaded Manchuria, the league of nations ignored this causing the country to gain necessary resources for a war.
  • Hitler Is Elected

    Adolf Hitler was appointed as Chancellor of Germany, not giving him much power, but giving him the chance to gain even more support from the rest of Germany.
  • Period: to

    Italian Invasion of Ethiopia

    Italy invaded Ethiopia because Mussolini wanted to avenge Italy's loss in 1880. This caused Hitler to begin to notice how passive the League of Nations was towards invasion.
  • Rhineland Occupation

    Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland in order to occupy it
  • Nanjing

    Japan's army invaded Nanjing, China and murdered a quarter of a million people
  • Germany's Jews

    Hitler began rounding up Jews and placing them in secluded areas
  • Invasion of Poland

    Hitler invaded Warsaw, Poland using the Blitzkrieg method of attack.