• 1940 BCE

    The ghettos

    The ghettos
    The Jews were moved into ghettos.
  • 1939 BCE


    Hitler commanded the invasion of Poland.
  • 1938 BCE

    Austria part of the Reich

    He wanted Austria to be a part of his Reich.
  • 1938 BCE

    The sudetes in Czechoslovakia

    The sudetes in Czechoslovakia
    Germany, Italy, Great Britain and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes.
  • 1938 BCE

    The Jews

    A Jew murdered a German diplomat in Paris.
  • 1936 BCE

    The Territorial jurisdiction

    Mussolini conquered and annexed Abyssinia
  • 1936 BCE


    Rhineland was reconquered
  • 1935 BCE


    Saarland was reconquered by Hitler.
  • 1933 BCE

    New elections

    New elections
    Hitler decided to call for another election oping to make the Nazis stronger in the Reichstag.
  • 1933 BCE

    Burn the Reichstag

    Hitler uses the fire of parliament to increase his power in Germany
  • 1932 BCE

    Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    After the new elections Hindenburg offered Hitler the post of Chancellor.
  • 1929 BCE

    Fascism counted on the Catholic support

    Italy acknowledged the independence of the Vatican as a
    sovereign state.
  • 1923 BCE

    The emergence of Hitler

    The National Socialist German Worker ́s Party, created by Adolf Hitler tried to take over Munich
  • Mussolini becomes prime minister

    Mussolini becomes prime minister
    Mussolini marched on Rome
    with his 30,000 Blackshirts and King Victor Emmanuel III makes it prime minister
  • Mussolini has got the power

    He changed the
    election system and in the next elections fascists got the power.
  • The Night of the Long Knives

    The Night of the Long Knives
    Hitler ordered to arrest Röhm and others.Several hundred people were killed. This was called the Night of the Long Knives. Röhm was shot the next day.
  • The death of Hidenburg

    Hindenburg died, Hitler became Chancellor, President and Commander-in chief of the army.
  • The sudetes in Czechoslovakia.

    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes
  • The Sudetes in Czechoslovakia.

    Germany,Italy,Great Britain, and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes
  • Pact with Germany

    The Pact of Steel was signed between Hitler and Mussolin.
  • Poland

    Hitler commanded the invasion of Poland.