Fascim and nazism

By Iriagar
  • 1940 BCE

    Nazims 1940

    Nazims 1940
    In 1940, the Jews were moved into ghettos; like Warsaw (the biggest one) where a lot of people died from starvation and disease (500,000 people).
  • 1939 BCE

    Fascim 1939

    Fascim 1939
    The Pact of Steel was signed between Hitler and Mussolini on 22nd May 1939.
  • 1939 BCE

    Fascim in1939

    Fascim in1939
    Albania and Somalia were occupied in 1939.
  • 1939 BCE

    Nazims 1939

    Nazims 1939
    Hitler commanded the invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939, which actually involved the outbreak of WWII.
  • 1938 BCE

    Nazims 1938

    Nazims 1938
    He wanted Austria to be a part of his Reich and promoted the so-called Anschluss. (1938).
  • 1938 BCE

    Nazims 1938

    Nazims 1938
    In November 1938 a Jew murdered a German diplomat in Paris.
  • 1936 BCE


    Mussolini conquered and annexed Abyssinia (Ethiopia).
  • 1936 BCE

    Fascim november 1936

    Fascim november 1936
    The Rome-Berlin Axis was created on 1st November 1936
  • 1935 BCE

    Nazims 1935-1936

    Nazims 1935-1936
    Hitler could not tolerate this and began some campaigns to re-take those German regions(Saarland 1935, Rhineland 1936).
  • 1934 BCE

    Fascim 1934

    Fascim 1934
    Fascist campaing 1934.
  • 1933 BCE

    Nazims in 1933

    Nazims in 1933
    In January 1933 Hitler decided to call for another election (March 1933) hoping to make the Nazis stronger in the Reichstag (Parliament)
  • 1933 BCE

    Nazims february 1933

    Nazims february 1933
    A fire broke out in the Reichstag (February, 1933) building, and Hitler blamed the communists. He used emergency decrees against terrorists, so communists were arrested and soon he declared the Communist party illegal.
  • 1932 BCE

    Nazims 1932

    Nazims 1932
    By 1932 living conditions were serious in Germany.
  • 1932 BCE

    Nazims in1932

    Nazims in1932
    President Hindenburg called an election (April 1932) but did not get the majority.
  • 1932 BCE

    Nazims 1932 november

    Nazims 1932 november
    The new government still could not govern properly, and after the new elections (November 1932) Hindenburg offered Hitler the post of Chancellor (head of government).
  • 1929 BCE

    Fascim 1929

    Fascim 1929
    Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty in 1929 with the Pope Pius XI: Italy acknowledged the independence of the Vatican as a sovereign state.
  • 1929 BCE

    Nazims 1929

    Nazims 1929
    He died in October 1929, just before the disaster of the Wall Street Crash. His plans would only work with some help from the USA.
  • 1926 BCE


    Germany joined the League of Nations (1926) and became one of the permanent members of the Council.
  • 1925 BCE

    Nazims 1925

    Nazims 1925
    He had the support of the SS (1925), a personal force for Hitler and the leading Nazis
  • 1924 BCE

    Fascim in 1924

    Fascim in 1924
    He changed the election system and in the next elections (1924) fascists got the power.
  • 1923 BCE

    Nazims 1923

    Nazims 1923
    In 1923 Germany suffered a hyperinflation.
  • 1923 BCE

    Nazims in 1923

    Nazims in 1923
    In 1923 there was a new chancellor, called Stresemann, and Germany was starting to recover.
  • 1922 BCE


    General strike
  • 1919 BCE

    Fascim 1919 and 1921

    Fascim 1919 and 1921
    In the elections (1919 and 1921) he didn't get many votes .
  • 1919 BCE


    After the Great War a republic was set up in February 1919
  • 1919 BCE

    Nazims 1919

    Nazims 1919
    In 1919, Communists tried to take over Berlin in the Spartacist Revolt, but they were defeated.
  • Nazims 1934

    Nazims 1934
    On the 30th June 1934, Hitler ordered to arrest Röhm and others. Several hundred people were killed
  • Nazims september 1938

    Nazims september 1938
    On 29th September 1938 Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes