2017 BCE
What is FARM doing today?
FARM is still encouraging people all around the world to join their team to support no meat products and save the animals. They want to dedicate talented teams of more than 20 people across the United States that works hard every day to fulfill missions of ending the use of animals for food. "Put your passion and skills to work for farmed animals by joining our great team." -FARM -
2012 BCE
FARM also engaged another program, the Vegan Support Programs. Their vegan support programs assist staffs in making as much changes on the path to a fully vegan diet and lifestyle. The past ten years they have offered weekly support to vegan pledgers with an e-newsletter complete with a recipe, resource or review, and inspirational story. -
2005 BCE
Supporting FARM
No animal deserves to live a life of pain and suffering, neglected of love and apart from a family, only to meet a terrifying and unexpected death. Ways to support could be to pledge a monthly amount to provide a steady stream of income with no transaction fee for their donation, donate services, and donate money. There are many more options. Anything would help them. -
2000 BCE
Institutional Projects
FARM insists of less meat products and increase vegan products. Ben & Jerry’s called out that the addition of a vegan line of almond-milk ice cream after FARM nearly gathered 30,000 signatures looking over them and leafleted at dozens of their Free Cone Day events. Still today, FARM encourages schools to have Meatless Mondays menus. -
1990 BCE
Their Strategies
By showing graphic footage of animal abuse in factory farms and slaughterhouses, FARM wants to raise public awareness of the tragedy of animal agriculture. Also, connect appropriate national observances and news development together. -
1982 BCE
Who to Gather for help?
Their program wants to also to educate, inspire, and activate people who are concerned about animal abuse, environmental devastation, and threats to public health. Til this day, FARM wants to gather tenagers and adults in between 13-25 because "they tend to be more sensitive to animal cruelty, more willing and more able to make dietary changes, more likely to share their new lifestyle with friends and relatives, and have the potential for a longer lifespan to devote to saving animals", they say. -
1981 BCE
How did it start?
When Peter Singer's landmark book "Animal Liberation" was published in 1975, it influenced a number of grassroots animal rights activists. Dr.Hershaft in 1981, invited seasoned leaders of the established vegetarian movement and the animal rights advocates to join the first Action for Life conference. -
1981 BCE
Mission & Values
"We believe in the inherent worth of all animals, as well as environmental protection and improved public health." -FARM -
1981 BCE
Animal Rights National Conference
Starting at 1981, the ARNC, (Animal Rights National Conference) is the conference that is open to a diverse array of viewpoints on animal liberation. Also, being he world’s largest and longest-running animal rights. Gathering 100 speakers and consisting 60 organizations. Together, they share wisdom and learn new skills. -
1980 BCE
What is FARM?
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) is one of the organizations where staffs help animals to be no longer raised or killed for food. This organization was co-founded by chemist, environmental consultant, social justice organizer, and Holocaust survivor Dr. Alex Hershaft. -
Period: 1976 BCE to
Organization of FARM
FARM stand for Farm Animal Rights Movement.