Her Father Being Detained by the FBI.
Jeanne's Father was detained after he burned anything that showed he had any relations to Japan. A turning point: Jeanne is confused to why here Papa was taken away from her. She knew that he had nothing to do with the bombing. This causes a negative impact, Jeanne now thinks horrible thoughts about the Americans and wishes they would let her Papa go. Through the ups and downs keep going, Jeanne is faced with a negative impact in here life but, it will not stop her from seeing her father. -
Return of Her Father
After disappearing for more than a year, Ko, Jeanne's father returns to the family, in Manzanar. There is no turning point. The impact is both negative and positive. She is calm and relaxed that her father is now within her arms reach. The negative is that she does not think her father is the same person from before the arrest. She understood that her father was gone but, with his return she wants him to continue with them through the rough time. This is both an up and down for her situation. -
Her Father Fighting Her Mother
Ko, is drunk and becomes enraged after his wife tells him a lie. He becomes furious and begins to threaten Jeanne's mother.
This causes Jeanne's thoughts to become more negative towards her father. She starts to respect her father less due to his actions. She cares for both her mother and father, but this is not what she wanted.
This is a negative event for the time she stayed at the camp. Jeanne continued to fight through all the problems she had Manzanar ignoring the negatives in her parents. -
Attempts to Be Baptized
Jeanne is currently interested in Catechism, and she wants to be baptized. Ko, denies that she should be baptized. Jeanne is curious in what baptism feels like and she does not know what it restricts her to do. Ko, does not want this to happen because she wants her to be able to marry a Japanese man to continue her family. This is a positive impact causing Jeanne to find her center. This is where Jeanne starts to have a freedom of thoughts. She wants her wishes and is willing to chase them. -
The closing of Manzanar
Ko did not know where to go leaving them with no hope outside of camp. Jeanne's mother hopes to settle somewhere safe. This event changes the Jeanne's direction because now she has to fit in with other Americans outside of camp, after what happened during the war. This has a positive and negative side. Jeanne is free from camp but, deals with harassment from other people. Jeanne is not letting what is happening get to her head. She is continuing to strive with what she is doing, -
Jeanne was chosen as School Queen
She was voted nearly unanimously to be queen of the high school. Jeanne was being sabotaged by admin. This helped boost Jeanne's pride of being a japanese-american. This created a positive impact on her and the community because, they were able to show she was a person as well. After the years of struggling, Jeanne, was able to find her center and become confident in herself. Theme: Do not let what others say affect you, you are what you want to be.