Fannie lou cover pic

Fannie Lou Hamer

  • Born

    Born to Jim and Ella Townsend in Montgomery County, Mississippi.
  • Childhood

    Attended primary school and helped family pick cotton on the fields. Soon after third grade she left school.
  • Struggles

    At age 16 she caught polio. Through her struggle it was discovered she could read and write. She was then W.D. Marlows time and record keeper for his plantation.
  • Bells are Ringing

    Bells are Ringing
    At age 27 she married Perry "Pap" Hamer a tractor driver.
  • Surgery gone wrong

    Surgery gone wrong
    In 1946 she was admitted into the hospital for a tumor to be removed. Without knowledge she was given an hysterectomy. Unable to have kids of her own.
  • Realization

    Once the civil rights movement took full effect in her hometown she jumped in head first. Joining the Student Nonviolent Coordinate Committee.
  • Denied.!

    In 1962 Ms.Hamer and 18 others went to a nearby town to vote. She was 1 of the 2 to attempt the literacy test and was told they both failed. They weren't able to vote and had to return home.
  • Jail? Charleston SC

    Jail? Charleston SC
    On the way back from a voter registration the group she was traveling back with stopped for food. Instead of being served they were arrested. She was beat and wasn't taken to the hospital until 3 days later when she was released.
  • Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

    Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
    A branch of the populist freedom party.
  • Politician Activism

    Politician Activism
    She ran for Mississippi Congress in Democratic State Primary. Received more votes than her opponents but her name was disallowed on the ballot.
  • Congressional Testimony

    Congressional Testimony
    Gave a speech before credentials committee, president, and other activist sharing her experience at the Democratic Convention.
  • Death

    She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1976.
    Mound Bayou MS.