Jan 1, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci
(1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most diversely talented people of all time, this italian polymath is know for his painting of the Mona Lisa. He created designs for thiings such as a helicopter, a submarine, an armoured tank, a calculator and concave mirrors that could use the sun to heat water. He alsomade contributions to engineering and science in hydrodynamics, optics and plate tectonics. -
Jan 1, 1564
Galileo Galilei
(1564-1642) Galileo Galilei was on of the people that helped open the eyes of the world about astronomy. He enchanced the first practical telescopes from the 1600s drastically and used this telescope to study the Earth's moon and discover the four moons of Jupiter. He also observed sunspots, a supernova and the phases of Venus. His discoveries also supported the idea that the planets revolved around the Sun. -
Isaac Newton
(1642-1727) Isaac Newton was the one who had an apple fall on his head, using this occurance he created the three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. He was the first scientist to show that everything on Earth is ruled by the same set of laws. He proved that the moon revolves around the Earth and that the plantes revolve around the Sun. He invvented the reflecting telescope and made calculus. He showed that white light is made up of the colours that we seen on a rainbow. -
Maria Sibllya Merian
(1647-1717) Maria was a talented German artist with a keen eye. She observed metamorphisis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. She took notes on all the stages of development of this process. She was the first to study real insects, and was famous for her work on entomology. -
Marie Curie
(1867-1934) This double Nobel Prize winning Polish born research scientist was veryextremely dedicated towards her promotion of radium to ease suffering. She discovered 2 radioactive elements named polonium and radium. She established a radioactive laboratory in Warsaw and led the world's first studies into the use of radioactive isotopes in the treatment of cancer. -
Maria Goeppert Mayer
(1906-1972) Maria was also a Nobel Prize winner. She was a German theoritical physicist. She is known for discovering that protons and neutrons in a nucleus in an atom are in shells. -
Getrude Elion
(1918-1999) Getrude Elion was a woman in the 20th century, so she couldn't obtain a graduate research position, but she was able to become the assistant of George Hitchings. With whom she was able to change the way drugs were made. She is famous for the first chemotherapy of leukaemia, and is also famous for developing the first immunosuppressant drug that made organ transplants available. She developed the first effective medication for many human illnesses and diseases