Famous people

  • louis daguerre

    louis daguerre
    Louis Daguerre was a artist and a photographer he was mostly known for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography.
  • Mathew Brady

    Mathew Brady
    He was one of the earliest photographers to shoot in america and was for his scenes of civil war
  • Edward Weston

    Edward Weston
    Edward weston has been called one of the most influential american photographers.When he turened 40 years old he started taking pictures of landscapes,nudes,still lives and genre scenes
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    she became a photographer when she graduated from high school.She went to Columbia university in new York.And most of her life she was poor and she has also has suffered from gastric problems and also post polio syndrome.An unfortunately she died of esophageal cancer.But she had done some good work.
  • Ansel Adams

    Ansel Adams
    Ansel Adams known for his black and white images of the American West. Ansel helped found the anti-pictorialist as well. Advocating pure pictures that looked really good
  • Margaret Bourke-white

    Margaret Bourke-white
    Margaret was one of the first female photojournalist and she was the first female correspond Bourke-White got a job as associate editor and staff photographer of Fortune magazine,
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Henri Cartier-Bresson
    Henri Cartier-Bresson was know for taking really good candid photos.He also did oil painting which his uncle Louise showed him.And Martin Munkacsi he inspired him to give up painting and use photography for real.
  • Annie Leibovitz

    Annie Leibovitz
    Annie Leibovitz was the one that took the picture of the had took a picture of the john Lennon which now everyone knows .She has also took a lot of famous people photos like Leonardo and so many more people.