Elisabeth Thible
Thible was the first woman aloft- in a hot air baloon. -
Harriet Quimby
Harriet Quimby is the first woman to get her pilot's license. Also the 2nd woman in the world. -
Katherine Stinson
Stinson got her pilot's license at age 21. She was the youngest woman to get her's. -
Marjorie Stinson
Marjorie got her pilot's license 2 years after her sister. -
Bessie Coleman
In 1920 Bessie Coleman went to France and became the first Afercan American to get her pilot's license. -
Elinor Smith
Elinor was the youngst woman to get her pilot's license at age 16. -
Bessie Coleman Died
Bessie Coleman tragicly died while she was flying on an airplane. She was unable to make a flight school for Afercian Americans. -
Mary Riddle
Mary Riddle was the first Native American girl to get her piolit's license. -
Florence "Pancho" Barnes
Barnes broke the women's speed record. -
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean by herself. -
Wila Brown
Wila Brown opened a Afrcian American flight school. -
Betty Skelton
She won her first International Aerobatic Champion for Women trophy with her Pitts Special S-1C biplane, “Little Stinker.” -
Jacqueline Auriol
Auriol was a passenger on an airplane when it crashed. She had 22 surgeries to put her face back together. When, she was at the hospital she asked a surgen, " Will I be able to fly again?" -
Jacquelin Cochran
Cochran was the first woman aviator to brake the sound barrier. -
Patty Waggstaff
Waggstaff was the first woman to win the title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion.