Famous Dead Guy Timeline Blake Kanoy

  • 101

    Thales of Miletus 600 B.C.

    came up with theory that everything is made of water
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    Democritus 400 B.C.

    theory that matter cannot be divided into smaller pieces forever, Atomic Theory believed the atom was a solid sphere
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    Aristotle 400 B.C.

    theory that everything is made of earth, wind, water , and fire, made people not believe in Democritus's theory
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Came up with ideas of gravity, laws of motion, light spectrum, and that Democritus was right beleived the atom to be a solid sphere
  • John Dalton

    Atomic Theory of Matter- matter is made up of atoms, atoms can't be destroyed or created, Atoms of different elements are different, atoms are invisible and indestructible, and atoms can combine in whole numbers to form compounds
  • Becquerel

    Discovered Radioactivity through Uranium Experiment
  • JJ Thomson

    discovered the electron and changed the view of the atom, plum pudding model Cathode Ray Tube
  • Robert Millikan

    oil drop experiment, helped determine the charge and mass of an electron
  • Rutherford

    discovered the nucleus and Proton, new modle of atom, Planetary Model Gold Foil Experiment
  • Neils Bohr

    discovered that electrons rotate around the nucleus, new model of atom Electron Theory
  • Francis Aston

    mass-spectrograph, discovered many different isotopes
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    discovered the elctroncloud, could predict where electrons would be, Schrodinger's Model
  • James Chadwick

    discovered and proved the existen of the neutron