Family timeline - Logan

By Log_777
  • Logan Michael Schafer was born

    Logan Michael Schafer was born
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Grandma had a stroke

    Grandma had a stroke
  • I went to work with my dad

    I went to work with my dad
  • Moms car overheated, she grabbed the stroller from her trunk and walked me home, I saw a big red firetruck

    Moms car overheated, she grabbed the stroller from her trunk and walked me home, I saw a big red firetruck
  • Big birthday party with sister

    Big birthday party with sister
  • Got a puppy

    Got a puppy
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
  • I met my childhood bestfriend

    I met my childhood bestfriend
  • Osama Bin Laden killed

    Osama Bin Laden killed
  • Dad bought a boat, went to many lakes

    Dad bought a boat, went to many lakes
  • Went to Disney world and traveled out of state for first time

    Went to Disney world and traveled out of state for first time
  • Went to Mackinac Island for the first time

    Went to Mackinac Island for the first time
  • Went on my first roller coaster at Michigan's adventure

    Went on my first roller coaster at Michigan's adventure
  • Moved out of my childhood home

    Moved out of my childhood home
  • Went to a different school district

    Went to a different school district
  • Met a new friend group

    Met a new friend group
  • Went to a cavern/cave for the first time

    Went to a cavern/cave for the first time
  • We moved houses again

    We moved houses again
  • COVID-19

  • Had the best year of my life (with friends)

    Had the best year of my life (with friends)
  • Childhood dog passed away

    Childhood dog passed away