Family timeline

  • Canada was found

    Canada was found
  • Grandmas birthday

    Grandmas birthday
  • Immigration

  • First house

    First house
    The first house thst our family bought in the United states.
  • My uncle immigrated to the United States

    My uncle immigrated to the United States
  • My sisters birthday

    My sisters birthday
  • My sister moves to the United states

    My sister moves to the United states
    My sister moves to the united states with my dad.
  • MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

    MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
    The day i was born Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969. When i was born my family all decided to name my Simanpreet but then in the year 2013.
  • First time traveling

    First time traveling
  • My brothers birthday

    My brothers birthday
  • Me moving to the United States

    Me moving to the United States
  • First time in school

    First time in school
  • Moving to canada

    Moving to canada
  • My grandma dies

    My grandma dies
  • New house

    New house
  • My cousin brothers birthday

    My cousin brothers birthday