family timeline

  • 2007

    dad got into a bad crash
  • 2007

    got my first dog
  • 2008

    learned how to roll around (became mobile)
  • 2009

    learned how to change my clothes (started changing my clothes multiple times a day, even to this day.)
  • 2010

    started listening to Justin Beiber and became obsessed with him, I still listen to him.
  • 2011

    got my first dirtbike
  • 2013

    got Orphy (my dog)
  • 2014

    started taking karate
  • 2015

    got my first phone
  • 2016

    my other best friends move away
  • 2016 (9)

    my best friend moved away
  • 2017

    my sister moved out
  • 2020

    covid happened (13)
  • 2023

    went to my first concert (16)