Ruth (Evers) Wessels born- First "Black History Month"
Carving begins at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Carving begins at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota -
First U.S. air-conditioned office opens
U.S. stock market crashed- start of Great Depression
Pluto is discovered
Empire State Building completed- tallest in the world
The Dust Bowl
Hoover Dam completed
Hitler invades Poland- start of World War 2
Attack on Pearl Harbor
U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
Japan surrenders- end of WW2
Marries Earl Wessels
First child Anne Wessels born
Second child Steve born
Color TV introduced
Car seat belts introduced
Third child Jerry born
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus
Fourth child June born
N.A.S.A first starts
Fifth child Janet born
Martin Luther King Jr. gives "I Have a Dream" speech
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
First Beatles album released in America
Last child Connie born
United States's Apollo 11 first to land on moon
First Grandchild born- Michelle (Wessels) Lockhart
Sears Tower, worlds tallest building completed
Elvis Presley found dead
Mt. St. Helens erupt's
Millions watch as Lady Diana and Prince Charles marry
Michael Jackson's Thriller recognized as best selling album
Titanic wreck found
Fall of the Berlin Wall
World Trade Center bombed
First Great Grandchild born- Jenni Lockhart
Princess Diana dies in car crash
Terrorist attack (9-11)
Space shuttle Columbia explodes entering Earth's atmosphere
Tsunami hits coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans
Minneapolis interstate bridge collapses
First African American president
Michael Jackson found dead
7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti
Million gallons of oil spilled in Gulf of Mexico
Husband Earl Wessels dies of lung cancer
Whitney Houston found dead