Family Life Cycle

  • Get a Job

    Get a Job
  • Buying a House

    Buying a House
  • Engagement

  • Period: to

    Beginning Family

  • Marriage

  • Baby One

    Baby One
  • Period: to


  • Baby Two

    Baby Two
  • Toddler One goes to preschool!

    Toddler One goes to preschool!
  • Period: to

    Family with Preschoolers

  • Baby Two turns 2

    Baby Two turns 2
  • Toddler Two goes to preschool!

    Toddler Two goes to preschool!
  • Toddler One graduates preschool!

    Toddler One graduates preschool!
  • Child One goes to Kindergarten!

    Child One goes to Kindergarten!
  • Period: to

    Family with school age children

  • Toddler Two graduates preschool!

    Toddler Two graduates preschool!
  • Child Two starts Kindergarten

    Child Two starts Kindergarten
  • Teen One starts High School

    Teen One starts High School
  • Period: to

    Family with Teens

  • Child Two graduates from middle school

    Child Two graduates from middle school
  • Teen Two starts high school

    Teen Two starts high school
  • Teen One goes to college

    Teen One goes to college
  • Firstborn turns 21

    Firstborn turns 21
  • Firstborn becomes independent

    Firstborn becomes independent
  • Firstborn gets own apartment

    Firstborn gets own apartment
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Empty Nest

  • Teen Two turns 20

    Teen Two turns 20
  • Youngest turns 21 and becomes independent

    Youngest turns 21 and becomes independent
  • Youngest moves out

    Youngest moves out
  • And then I'm sad for a while

    And then I'm sad for a while
  • I get over it

    I get over it
  • Childrens' Marriages and Grandkids!! (throughout the years)

    Childrens' Marriages and Grandkids!! (throughout the years)
  • Retire from Working for 44 years

    Retire from Working for 44 years
  • Period: to

    Aging family

  • Take a vacation with my husband

    Take a vacation with my husband
  • My husband passes away:(

    My husband passes away:(
  • My life comes to an end

    My life comes to an end