I was born
I was born on Augest 20th, 1972. -
The sears tower was built
Microsoft was founded
Star wars was relesed
Elvis was found dead
Pacman is relesed
Lady diana and Prince Charles get married
Vietnam War memorial opened in Washington D.C.
Cabbage patch kids are popular
PG 13- movie rating created
titantic found underwater
Hole in the ozone layer discovered
The Berlin Wall falls
NASA launches space shuttle discovery mission
The Best Picture Oscar is awarded to "Braveheart" at the Academy Awards ceremony. "Apollo 13" wins the Oscars for Best Sound and Best Film Editing.
Hayley was born.
Today, my first oldest daughter was born. She was born in Mercy Hospital, at 5:23am. Hayley was 5 pounds and 3oz. -
Princess diana died
First test tube baby was born
I as well as everyone else survived the year 2000. When scientists all predicted that we were going to all die, we miracisaly survived. -
Sony introduces Playstation 2
Kennedy was born.
Kennedy, my second daughter, was born on a lovely tuesday night. She was born also at Mercy Hospital. She was 8 pounds and 5oz. -
Two Airplanes Hit Twin Towers
I got remarried
On this day me and my current wife Rhonda got married, in our house. It was a very small cermony, with us and a few direct family members. -
Hurricane Katrina strikes
Microsoft releses Xbox 360
Colin was born
The day my first boy was born there was a hawkeye game on. It was actully homecomming to be exact. His first outfit was decorated in hawkeye colors. While he was sleeping I ran out to the waiting room and checked the scores. -
nintendo releses the WII
First Iphone relesed
Flood of 2008
Barrak Obama wins presidental election
My whole family had H1N1. We all had it around the same time. Not good at all! In my house we called it "The Pig Flu", just to cheer up the mood a little bit. That was one nasty week.