Dad was born.
Alex's dad was born on May 24, 1974 in Milwaukee, WI.
He and Alex's mother ended their relationship in 2009. He currently lives in Milwaukee, but does not see Alex or his daughter on a regular basis. -
Mom was born
The mother was born on October 18, 1975 in Milwaukee, WI.
Mom and Alex's father ended their relationship in 2009. She currently resides in a home with her new husband in Milwuakee and her two children and one step son.
She is a human resource director for a Health and Resource Center. -
Family practices religion.
Mom was raised as a Christian. She has raised her children Christian as well. They regularly attend mass at a local neighborhood church in Milwaukee. -
Step dad was born
Alex's father was born on March 16, 1976 in Milwaukee, WI.
He currently resides in a home with his new wife, son, and two step children.
He is a county bus driver. He works long hours and shifts so he does not spend as much time with the family as the mother.
He is has allergies to pollen. -
Alex's grandmother was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes.
Alex's maternal grandmother was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. She regularly takes her medication and monitors her blood sugar. -
Sister was born.
Alex's sister was born in Milwaukee, WI on April 19, 1995. There were no complications in the pregnancy or in the birth.
She works at Dots clothing store and Taco Bell. She recently began her freshman year at Alverno for nursing school. -
Step brother was born.
Alex's step brother was born on February 13, 2001 in Milwaukee, WI. There were no complications during the pregnancy or the birth.
When he is not living with his father and Alex's mom, he resides with his mother in Milwaukee. -
Mom's health issues.
Mom was diagnosed with hypertension. She tries to keep it under control with blood pressure medication, but explains that it is hard to remember to take the medication on a regualr basis. -
Alex was born.
Alex was born in Milwaukee. He was born full term NSVD with a low birth weight of 6lb 9oz. His mother had preeclampsia.
Alex lives with his mom and step dad in Milwaukee. His interests include cars, trucks, Packer football, and watching movies. -
Mom and Step dad buy a house.
Alex's mom and step dad buy a home in Milwaukee. Alex, his sister, his mom, step dad, and step brother all move into the home.
Before moving and living in the house, Alex, his mother, and sister lived in an apartment in Milwaukee. -
Mom and Step dad get married.
The mother and step dad married on June 12, 2011 in Milwaukee. It was the first wedding for both of them. -
Alex has pain in left axilla.
In mid June, Alex was extremely tender and had some swelling in his left axilla. He was treated for two weeks with Augmentin. -
Family Activities
Alex and his mother spend a lot of time together. She tries to think of new activities to do with him outside throughout the summer and wamer months. This summer they would go swimming in Lake Michigan, take bike rides, or walk around their neighborhood. In the winter months, they go laser tagging, Chuckie Cheese, and if snow is on the ground, they go sledding. -
Alex has a sclerotherapy.
The swelling returned and Alex was referred to specialists. He underwent surgery and had a sclerotherapy to treat the malformations in the lymph nodes in his left axilla. -
Sister starts school.
Alex's sister started her freshman year at Alverno College for nursing. -
First day of school.
Alex started 4th grade at Neeskara Elementary School in Milwaukee.
He enjoys school and learning new information. He is eager to get back to school. -
Alex admitted to Children's.
He woke up with a fever and had sweeling, pain, and redness in his left axilla. He was referrred to Children's Hospital.