• End of Civil War

    William Hamilton would receive powder burns to his face from the trauma he sustained in the civil war. He would run from his home in Kentucky to Washington state
  • William Hamilton pregnant wife Louisa settle Hamilton

    William Hamilton pregnant wife Louisa settle Hamilton
    William's first wife Hannah died. He left his oldest kids with family and settled Hamilton on the river with pregnant Louisa.
  • Alice is born

    Alice is born
    First baby born in Hamilton, the town founded by her father. William fought during the civil war. His face bore the scars of severe powder burns.
  • David Born out of wedlock-NC timeline

    David Born out of wedlock-NC timeline
    David was Alice's third relationship, not sure if he was a third marriage
  • Hamilton fast growing town

    Native Americans say that Hamilton was settled over an old village of theirs.
  • Julius Marries Franny NC timeline

    Julius Marries Franny NC timeline
    Julius' first marriage, (Alice's second documented relationship. I believe Julius was the boyfriend that supposedly pressured Alice into abandoning Minnie at the Girl's home.)
  • Louisa Dies-Alice is 14

  • Pasqual Marries Clara(Don Wally's parents)

    Pasqual Marries Clara(Don Wally's parents)
    Pasqual James Marino was unable to sign his name indicating a lack of education and ability to write
  • William sells everything and abandons his kids

    William abandoned his first children when his wife Hannah died. So it's not a surprise that when Louisa died he did the same to their children. William sells everything he owns in town for 48k (modern equivalent of more than 1.5mil). William pays man money and teams of horses to care for his children while he goes back east. As soon as William leaves town so does the man he paid to care for the kids. The kids stay in the hotel for a year before being kicked out to fend for themselves.
  • Alice(16)moves siblings into abandoned shack

    Alice and her siblings went from the wealthiest inhabitants of Hamilton to the poorest. William never returned for his children. Alice had to raise and care for her siblings
  • "Gambler" Moves in with kids in shack

    The story is documented that a gambler moved in with the kids, supposedly to make sure the kids went to school and had enough to eat. Alice would have been old enough to marry and too old to go to the schools of the time. I can only infer how Alice was used by men during these years. She would go on to have twisted views of men, daughters and children that would affect generations.
  • Alice marries John

    Alice marries John
    Alice Luella Hamilton marries John Wesley Swafford. I wonder if John was the the "gambler". But as soon as they married she was having children VERY rapidly, 1898,1900,1901. She had already been responsible for the well being of her siblings, this was likely too much for her.
  • Julius admits Franny to NC Hospital

    Julius admits Franny to NC Hospital
    Need more information on this hospital, Franny dies in this hospital in 1926
  • Marino goes by Wallie

    Marino goes by Wallie
    Pasqual Marino went by James after moving to the states and used the last name Wallie briefly in 1900 census. Was unable to read or write at the time.
  • Minnie is Born

    Minnie is Born
    I couldn't find a birth record for Minnie, but I found one for her older brother Wesley. This record proves Alice's middle name was Luella. Alice and John's marriage cert also indicates her middle name started with an L.
  • Alice working at Saloon Comique

    Alice working at Saloon Comique
    This saloon was founded against the law of Tacoma. It's owner was known for paying off officials until his death in the 1890's
  • Alice Acts as a witness

    Alice Acts as a witness
    Alice testified that she was not allowed to sit on the laps of patrons of the Stockholm Saloon where she worked. Siting that her boss "doesn't like it."
  • Alice gets caught picking pockets

    Alice gets caught picking pockets
    Alice is arrested and fined for picking a man's pocket after he takes her to a theater box. Apparently the variety theater boxes, at the time, were known to be meet up places for "disreputable people".
  • Alice travels back east to act in vaudeville

    Alice travels back east to act in vaudeville
    Still not sure if this is our Alice, but timelines matchup. This explains the gap in the timeline, but I can't imagine we wouldn't have heard about this.
  • John Divorced and has custody

    John Divorced and has custody
    "Tender years doctrine" means women always get custody of children during early 1900's. Alice, likely, abandoned her children.
  • Minnie gets left at the Good Shepherd home for girls

    Minnie gets left at the Good Shepherd home for girls
    1920 census lists Minnie as an inmate in Good shepherd girls home. Good Shepherd was meant to teach girls morals and skills like minor farming, housekeeping, etc.
  • Don works for father selling fruit

    Don works for father selling fruit
  • John marries Minnie Pyle

    John marries Minnie Pyle
    John marries the woman listed as a boarder on the 1910 census
  • Alice Demands divorce decree

    Alice Demands divorce decree
    Alice storms into courthouse and demands her divorce is heard immediately but her lawyer won't show up for her.
  • Don Walley Marries Edith Rourke

    Don Walley Marries Edith Rourke
    Don's first wife would die in 1920, by what the jury would call "willful murder"
  • Period: to


  • Don Walley Fakes bad eye to Military docs

    Don Walley Fakes bad eye to Military docs
    Don would have been married to Edith with a 1 yr old son at this point.
  • Don Walley gets caught selling hard cider

    Don Walley gets caught selling hard cider
    1918 is also the year Don's son dies (not sure why yet)
  • Edith Walley Dies (Don Walley's first wife)

    Edith Walley Dies (Don Walley's first wife)
    Article says she died November 13th 1920 in Victoria Canada from an illegal operation
  • Alice living with Julius

    Alice living with Julius
    Alice has begun going by an alias (Edna) Claims to be married, but divorce is final in April 1920
  • John and Alice Divorce finalized

    John and Alice Divorce finalized
  • Minnie and Don Marry

    Minnie and Don Marry
  • Clara (babe) was born

    Clara (babe) was born
    Clara was named after Don's (Dominick Wally) mom.
  • John Wesley Swafford gets sued for back wages

    John Wesley Swafford gets sued for back wages
    JW Swafford sued by PH Pyle (his father-in-law) and other workers in his logging company for unpaid wages
  • Minnie goes by Agnes in directory

    Minnie goes by Agnes in directory
    I think Minnie started going by Agnes because her father remarried a Minnie Pyle.
  • John Swafford loses lawsuit-judgment

    John Swafford loses lawsuit-judgment
    John loses Lawsuit and has a judgment against him and his company.
  • John Swafford ordered to sell company

    John Swafford ordered to sell company
    Order to sell- John files homestead of property three weeks later
  • John declares homestead

    John declares homestead
    In order to avoid losing his home after he got sued for withholding wages John declares his property a homestead just 3 weeks after having a judgement listed against him.
  • Don's death

    Don's death
    Need a death certificate for cause of death. Don died in the Fort Steilacoom Asylum in November 1925. Donald Walley(spud) was born in Feb 1926
  • Franny dies

    Franny dies
    Franny dies in the state hospital still married to Julius
  • Julius Snyder dies

    Julius Snyder dies
    I don't believe Julius was married to Alice. Alice listed herself as married to him in the 1920 census but her divorce wasn't yet final. Also she doesn't inherit the dairy after Julius's death. She becomes homeless and moves in with Minnie.
  • John Swafford FIL kills himself

    John Swafford FIL kills himself
    Sometimes calling himself Jack, PH says he killed himself because of JW Swafford's failed business. John tells the newspaper he's never failed in business.
  • Alice marries David

    Alice marries David
    David and Julius only had sons. No women for Alice to compete with.
  • Alice delivers Edna

    Alice moved in with Minnie when she became homeless after the death of her boyfriend Julius.
  • Alice and David census

    Alice and David census
    Goes by Alice again, even though marriage license says Edna is her first name
  • Minnie and Thomas listed as husband and wife on census

    Minnie and Thomas listed as husband and wife on census
  • Alice Acting at the Saloon Comique again

    Alice Acting at the Saloon Comique again
    Alice acting a play called "Maniac Wife"
  • Alice and David move to NC

    Alice and David move to NC
    Alice gave this info to the census taker
  • Minnie goes by Agnes again

    Minnie goes by Agnes again
  • Period: to

    US in WWII

    Japan bombs pearl Harbor to the death of Hitler
  • Edna enters Miss Skagit Cnty

    Edna enters Miss Skagit Cnty
  • Miss Skagit Cnty is crowned-Lois Junquist

    Miss Skagit Cnty is crowned-Lois Junquist
  • Alice living with Thomas and Minnie 1950 census

    Alice living with Thomas and Minnie 1950 census
    1950 census of Alice going by Alice again
  • Abe and Edna get married

    Abe and Edna get married
  • Thomas Dies

    Thomas Dies
  • Alice's death

    Alice's death
  • Pomona Shavers a Hazing tradition in Garey High

    Pomona Shavers a Hazing tradition in Garey High
  • Trailer allowed on Abe and Edna's property

    Trailer allowed on Abe and Edna's property
    This is the singlewide trailer that had no working bathroom they parked next to the old aframe for the Justin and Jason to live in.
  • Delinquent taxes on Aframe

    Delinquent taxes on Aframe
  • Delinquent taxes on Aframe

    Delinquent taxes on Aframe
  • Delinquent Taxes on Aframe and Lot 5

    Delinquent Taxes on Aframe and Lot 5
    John and Jeremy bought lot 5, Jeremy gave her interest to Edna, taxes were not paid from that part forward
  • Deliquent taxes Aframe and lot 5

    Deliquent taxes Aframe and lot 5
    John and Lorraine, Abe and Edna owned lot 5. Where John put his mobile home.
  • lot 5 listed for delinquent taxes

    lot 5 listed for delinquent taxes
    Jeremy never removed as owner after asking Abe to take over payments during 80 recession.
  • A-frame listed for sale because of delinquent taxes

    A-frame listed for sale because of delinquent taxes