Fallyn Mae was born on May 19, 2025 weighing 6lbs 4oz. She was 18" tall. -
First play date!
First Snow day!!
First steps
Preschool Graduation
First Cheerleading Competition!
Her team won the sportsmanship award. -
Starts Middle School!
First Homecoming!
She and her friends rented a limo to take them to the dance! -
High School Graduation
Starts College at her Choice School!!!
She made the cheer squad at Penn State and will be representing the team! -
She gets Married!
She bought her first home!
Her and her husband bought a little house just a few miles away! -
I'm a grandma!
Baby James is named after his Grandpa! -
She gets a huge promotion!
With her new promotion she has to move 2 hours away! -
With all the money she made in her new job her family is going to meet their relatives in ireland and then tour europe! -
Award show!
She earns an award in her community for all her service. -
Gets money!
With the bonus she got at work she had enough money to build a new addition to her house. -
Moving up!
She has decided to make a change to her career and quit her job to open up a restaurant. It's very sucessful. -
New job!
She's always wanted to own her own cheer gym and now that she has extra money from her restaurant, she can finally afford it. She hires her own coaches but oversees the company. -
Fallyn's Birthday!
For her 65th birthday, her husband takes her on an all inclusive trip to the Carribean! -
New Years Eve!
Her husband takes her to new york to see the ball drop at midnight! It's something she's always wanted to do. -
With all the medical advancements people have been living longer. But FINALLY at the age of 75 Fallyn decides to retire to a nice big condo in a retirement community in Florida. She hands down all of her businesses to her daughter and their family. -
New friends!
Fallyn invited all of the neighborhood over for a big party before the holidays start. Its a great way to make new friends and she just LOVES to throw a good party. -
Party Night!
The community hosts a fancy black tie party to have some fun! Fallyn and her husband are on the planning committee. -
Talk show appearence.
Fallyn had the opportunity to appear on a talk show to talk about all of her lifes success. -
Family reunion.
in her old age she wanted to see her family again. She organized a huge family reunion with all of her family from both sides including her grand children! -
Fallyns death
At the old age of 100 Fallyn dies peacefully in her sleep. Her family will spread her ashes over the coast of Florida.