Fallen Angels

By cd91125
  • Perry goes to Vietnam

    Perry goes to Vietnam
    Perry gets put on a plane to pick up the recruits.
  • Perry Meets Judy

    Perry Meets Judy
    Perry meets Judy, who is going to be a pilot for the army. She then leaves Perry because he's in the infantry.
  • Perry friendly fires

    Perry friendly fires
    While Perry was on his first mission, Perry and his squad friendly fires another squad. Friendly Firing is where you fire at your allies.
  • Jenkins gets killed

    Jenkins gets killed
    Jenkins, on of Perry's friends, gets killed on duty because of a mine. Perry gets butthurt because he died.
  • Lieutenant Carroll Dies

    Lieutenant Carroll Dies
    Lieutenant Carroll, Perry's main comander, gets killed instantly by a gunshot wound.
  • Perry sees death with his own eyes

    Perry sees death with his own eyes
    Perry and his squad sees a burning village, so they go in and try to rescue the natives. Perry sees everyone dying, and he gets scared. While he is in the hut, a vietnamese soldier points a gun at his back, but his gun is jammed. Perry kills the soldier right in front of him, and gets scarred for life.
  • Perry almost gets killed

    Perry almost gets killed
    While Perry was in a firefight, he got some real bad injuries, and the world around him was spinning, and he was almost dead.
  • Perry goes into a hospital

    Perry goes into a hospital
    Luckily, Perry survives, and gets put into a hospital. He is in the hospital for two weeks, and gets rusty for the army because he didn't work out due to his injuries.
  • North Vietnamese and Viet Cong join forces

    These two join forces and launch the Tet Offensive, attacking 100 south vietnamese cities.
  • Perry and Peewee almost get killed

    Perry and Peewee almost get killed
    While on duty, Perry and Peewee get separated from their group, and have to stay in a vietnamese hole for the night. They face some vietnamese soliers, and they killed them aff. And they were scared.
  • US army kills civilians.

    US army kills civilians.
    The US army in Vietnam kill hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in the town of Mai Lai.
  • Perry and Peewee leave Vietnam

    Perry and Peewee leave Vietnam
    Due to their injuries durring their fight, Perry and Peewee have to be sent home.
  • General William gets replaced

    General William gets replaced
    General William Westmoreland, who had been in charge of the U.S. troops in Vietnam, is replaced by General Creighton Abrams.
  • US troops goes up

    US troops goes up
    U.S. troops in Vietnam reaches 540,000.
  • President orders withdrawls

    President orders withdrawls
    President Nixon orders the first of many U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam.