Last Romanovs
1917 The Romanovs was brought a town and murdered secretly to prevent the monarchy to ever return to the country -
Creation of the Politburo
It is a temporary form of government like a comity that is allowed to make polices for Russia. -
Russian civial war
Russian civil war began in 1918 and went in till 1921 and was between Lenin Bolsheviks, known as red army, and the white army. -
Treaty of Brest- Livosk
1919 Treaty of Brest -Livosk was to bring peace between Germany and Russia trough treaty. -
Stalin's five year plans
The five year plans where a set of plans that were put together to slowly industrialize and modernize the country in hope to benefit the country -
World War 2
German attacked the Soviets declaring the official entry by the Soviets into the world war that was already evolving many people. Because of the lack of food and resources many civilians suffered from the war as well as the solders. -
Joe 1
Joe was a bomb that was tested in Soviet Union that the US detected a test -
Hydrogen Bomb
Joe was a bomb that was tested in Soviet Union that the US detected durring a test run -
1950-1956 There was a secret location within Russia where they created the bomb then they tested the bomb -
Warsaw Pact
Peace treaty Between the People's Republic of Albania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the Hungarian People's Republic, the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People's Republic, the Rumanian People's Republic, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Czechoslovak Republic -
Sputnik 2 amd Laika
Sputnik was the first satellite to enter space that was Russian
Laika was the first dog that got to go into space that died on the mission. -
Berlin Wall
The country gets separated into 2 parts of the country, East Germany and West Germany by a giant wall. -
Soviet-Afghan War
1978-1986 This was a conflict between the anti-Communist Muslim and the Soviet Union who are using communism. The war was over government issues. -
The policy of economic and governmental reform instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union -
Gorbachev becomes the leader and creates a series of reforms. -
Chernoyl Disaster
There was a nuclear reactor that exploded killing a lot of people and causing a huge leak in radiation. People later reported symptoms that it got to civilians. -
Mikhail Gorbachev introduced this policy which was for an increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in Soviet Union -
Free elections in Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary
This was breaking point where countries use their solidarity to get out of the communism out of communism -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Germany got sick of the government and the economy and business was getting affected by the wall so they destroyed the wall. -
Latvia and Lithuania
Latvia and Lithuania had singing successful protests this period of songs where protests between 1987 and 1990 became known as The Singing Revolution. -
Gorbachev steps down
Mikhail Gorbachev the leader of the Soviet Union for almost seven years and executive president for nearly two years has decided to stepped down from office. -
Voting Reforms by Gorbachev
This allows the soviet people to have voting rights -
Boris Yeltsin becomes President
Boris a chair member is elected to become the presedent of Russia.