Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination
June 28th, 1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. He and his wife were assassinated by a teenage Serbian revolutionary while visiting Bosnian, the capital of Sarajevo. This assassin group was referred to as the Back Hand. The assassination was caused by Franz's threat to Siberian independence. -
The Battle of Marne
The Battle of the Marne took place in the River Valley of France, and it lasted about 4 days. The French and British fought against the German army who had invaded Belgium. The outcome led to the victory of the French and British Allied forces. The aftermath led to the establishment of trench warfare which impacted the rest of the war. -
The Battle of Gallipoli
The Battle of Gallipoli took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. The main goal of the battle was to capture Constantinople which is now referred to as Istanbul. Russian forces had more support and attention, which forced Tukey out of the war. About 65,000 Turkish troops were killed, which made this one of the turning points in the war due to the high number of injuries and casualties. -
The Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun took place on the Western Front in France. The goal of the battle was to break down the French army by forcing them to use large numbers of troops to defend the city of Verdun, which ultimately aimed to waste and destroy the manpower and resources that the French had. This led to the achievement of Germany seeking victory on the Western front. The French however suffered about 400,000 casualties while the Germans suffered a few less making their number of casualties 350,000. -
The Battle of Somme
The Battle of Somme was one of the deadliest 1916 battles in human history. More than 19,240 soldiers were killed and as many as 38,000 were wounded. The main goal was to draw German forces away from the French and achieve victory over the Germans on the Western Front. As an outcome, there was an Allied victory despite the costly dangerous fight. -
Lloyed's Life: Battle experience
Lloyed Brown was on the lookout for submarines and was part of the gun crew on a few occasions. He received messages from the lookout people in the watch tower that got notices of a viable submarine and notified Lloyd and his team. They fired at the submarine because his job was to keep shipping lanes open and get rid of submarines. He did manage to capture one German submarine which attracted a lot of attention from people. -
Lloyed's Life: Music aboard the ship
Lloyed was sent aboard the USS Seattle as a musician. Lloyd and a few other admirals were assigned to be part of the orchestra aboard the ship. He and the others played in Admiral Coontz’s private orchestra and played in his living quarters during meal times. Lloyd said that it was a flagship which meant that he and the others in the orchestra got to travel to places such as Australia, New Zealand, and the Hawaiian islands and perform with Coontz. -
Lloyed's Life: Love and Kids
Lloyed met a girl on a ferry boat that he took back and forth from Nova Scotia. Her name was Eileen and they eventually got married and settled in D.C. where they had two children. Eileen was homesick and couldn't adjust to living away from her family. She went home to visit her family on one occasion and didn’t come back which eventually led Lloyed and her to get a divorce. -
Lloyed's Life: Music interest
Music was a huge part of Lloyed’s life. When Lloyed re-enlisted he was sent to Hampton Roads, Virginia. He then applied for musician school in Norfolk Virginia and went to school where he learned to play a string instrument and the saxophone. He had studied music as a kid and music had been in his household since his sister was a former piano player. -
Lloyed's Life: Firefighting
Lloyed Brown was a firefighter for about two years. On one occasion, Baumbach, his fellow work buddy at the time, was in the process of rescuing a 225-pound man out of a burning building. Baumbach had his arms locked around the man’s waist, trying to get him out of the flames and smoke. Brown came to his aid and helped Baumbach get this man out of the building and out of the fire.