Fall of the Soviet Union

  • Gorbachev’s loosened the Soviet yoke on the countries of Eastern Europe

    Gorbachev’s loosened the Soviet yoke on the countries of Eastern Europe
  • Boris Yeltsin was elected to the Congress of People's Deputies

  • Russian Elections

    86% of people voted in favor of the communists and the rest were non-communists.
  • Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian Republic

  • Violence started in Lithuania and Latvia

    When violence broke out in Lithuania and Latvia, Soviets intervened.
  • START Treaty

    Bush signed the START treaty at the Moscow Summit
  • August Coup

    A group of Soviets came together and lowered Gorbachev's power and raised the democratic forces to the forefront of Russian politics.
  • Gorbachev gets arrested

    Gorbachev got arrested and the vice president took over.
  • Five New Principles

    Secretary of State James Baker created five new principles that guided US policy.
  • Hammer and Sickle Flag was Lowered

    The Hammer and Sickle flag was lowered and replaced by the Russian tricolor.