Article history qing 5

Fall of the Quing Dynasty

  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War

    Inside China, the Nationalist and Communist fight for control and lands in it.
  • Fall of the Quing Dynasty

    The Revolutionary Alliance, with Sun Yixian as a leader and the Kuomintang as a supporter, overtrowed the last emperor of the Quing Dynasty. Which meant the end to the Quing dynasty, which had been rulling for many years.
  • Sun became president of the New Republic of China

    Ater the Quing emperor was overthrowed, Sun was named president of the New Republic of China.
  • Yuan Shikai's military dictatorship

    Sun turned the presidency to Yuan Shikai, who was a powerful general that didn't wanted a democracy. So by 1913, he imposed a military dictatorship.
  • Mao Zedong starts as a revolutionary

    Mao Zedong was a school teacher who supported some student protesters and from there on he sarts a "new life" as a very important revolutionary.
  • May Fourth Movement

    A national movement that was anti-imperialist, and that was meant to be a protest against what was happening in China during/after the world war I.
  • Creation of the Communist party

    A group of people including Mao Zedong, got together in Shanghai to organized the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Lenin steps in China

    Lenin sends equipment and military advicers to the Nationalists in exchange of letting the Chinese communists to join the Kuomintang.
  • red army creation

    Mao Zedong created the red army, which was mostly formed by peasants.
  • Nationalist troops attack Communists in Shanghai

    Some nationalist forces moved to Shanghai and killed a lot of communists. The same happened in other cities, which caused a mayor loss in chinese communist population.
  • Jiang becomes the president of the Nationalist republic of China

    As a result of the Shanghai masacre and other masacres the came with it, Jiang became president of the Nationalistic Republic of China.
  • Hunan Province attack

    The nationalists attack the communists in Hunan, which is a mostly communist society. However, thay weren't able to get them out.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan gets into Manchuria and fights to get the power over it, taking advantage of the civil war that was happening in China.
  • The Nationalists go again to the Communist stronghold in Hunan Province

    Jiang recluted a 700,000 men army and went again to the communist stronghold in Hunan. This time, the nationalists outnumbered the communists nearly six to one.
  • The long march

    Communist forces went through a 6000 mile journey as they realized that they had faced a defeat against Jiang's army.
  • Japan attacks the Chinese during the World War II

    Japan attacks China in a very fierce way, by bombing and attacking every village. This cause a major destruction in Chinese villages and a lot of new land for Japan.
  • Period: to

    Nationalists and Communists fight against Japan.

    During the world war II (Germany vs the Allies), Nationalists and Communists temporarily united to fight against Japan.
  • Japan leaves

    Japan looses against the red army and leaves China.
  • Chian Kai Shek takes lands

    Chiang Kai Shek attacks and conqueres the places that the Japanese had left with the help of the U.S.
  • Birth of the Popular Republic of China

    Mao Zedong creats the Popular Republic of China.