Period: to
If 9/11 Didn't Happen
(LAX) Plot
On New Years Eve 1999/ 2000 Ahmed Ressam, an allegedly from Montreal, Canada bombed the (LAX) -
Flight to Miami
On December 22, 2001, a British citizen by the name of Richard Reid, a member of Al Qaeda, detonates a presumed C4 explosive, on a flight from Paris to Miami. The explosive was detonated and the plane crash on the desent into the airport. -
When Travel Was Easy
On December 24, 2001, after this incident United States tensions with the middle east are coming to an all time since The Gulf War. Now the (TSA) has created a new low risk passenger list and a no fly list to help prevent further attacks. -
Operation Enduring Freedom
On October 7th 2002, the United States as well as Britan kicked off Operation Enduring Freedom, officially launching the war against Afganastan. -
The Financial Buildings
In 2004, a bomb plot from Al-Qaeda on the International Monetary Fund, New York Stock Exchange, Citigroup, and Prudential buildings was recovered and put a stop to after the arrests of the plotters in Britain and anther one of a computer expert in Pakistan. -
The Invasion Has Started
On March 19, 2004, to May 20, 2004 the United States invaded Iraq after pushing the talaban out of Afganastan. -
The War Has Begun
On March 20, 2004, the United States waged war with Iraq, which resulted in more than 7,269 civilian lives in the first months of the war -
The Flight To Detroit
On 2009 December 25, a Nigerian citizen by the name of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 while it was flying over Detroit. He was trying to ignite a C4 explosive, in his underwear, but he was subdued by passengers and crew members before he could ignite it. -
Their Going Home
December 15, 2012, the war in Iraq came to a close, with the beginning of the pulling out of United States troops in Iraq, and resulted in an unknown number of lives. -
"Geronimo" has finished
On May 2, 2013, the mass search for the leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, has come to a close when United States Navy Seals, and United States Army Rangers raided his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan and killed him, finding evidence of new attack plans, computers, and cameras, which has some footage of bin Laden. -
A New Fight
The rise of a new terorist groop in Iraq and Syria, by the name of ISIS, has started a new conflict with the United States after killing American jornalist. By the name of Steven Sotloff was beheaded by the presumed leader of ISIS