Eugene V Debs
Eugene was a labor organizer and was a Socialist party candidate five times for presidency. He was arrested for speaking about the United States' involvement in WW1 and later was arrested under the Sedition act. -
Jim Crow Laws
The Jim Crow Laws were made individual states and towns to help keep races segregated. It was immensely prominent in the south. These laws dictated where you could sit, eat, drink, and live. They didn't end until the 1950s. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
This act was signed by President Arthur to make it illegal for Chinese immigrants to work and restrict the amount coming into the US. They decided that Chinese wages were made inferior and were unfair to other races. -
The Sinking of the Lusitania
The sinking of the Lusitania happened at the beginning of WW1 when Germany torpedoed the ship, trying to hit submarines. It killed over a thousand people and left less than 800 survivors. The ship was originally British. -
Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram was the secret way of communicating between diplomacies. It was created by Germany in World War 1 in case the US joined against them. -
Sedition Act
The sedition act was signed by President Adams, making it legal to deport immigrants and make it very difficult to become a citizen, and wouldn't allow them to vote. This was made to make it easier for Americans to make more money and get who they wanted in office. -
The Red Scare
The red scare was a nationwide scare of rising communism and anarchy. Lots of people went into hysteria thinking they would be taken over by people they made upset. -
18th Amendment
The 18th amendment was established to make it illegal to sell and drink alcohol. Most people believed alcohol was the reason for violence in the cities and poverty. It was in effect for 13 years. -
19th Amendment
This amendment was important in history because it allowed both men and women to vote. It became illegal to discriminate against sex when voting. -
Immigration Act of 1924
This act was passed by Congress in an attempt to slow down how many immigrants are allowed in at once. There was a national quota that was strictly followed. -
John Scopes - Monkey Trial
This trial happened in Tennessee when a newly hired teacher was caught teaching evolution. It was a misdemeanor to teach anything that went against what the Bible in the state. -
20th Amendment
The 20th amendment changed the date in which presidents and legislatures were put into office. It was made to be closer to election times and to get the former people in office out faster. -
21st Amendment
This amendment was a cause for celebration because it officially repealed the 18th amendment.