Faith Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on September 9th, 1977 at 9:21am
  • Saved, Baptized

    Saved, Baptized
    Baptized on Easter Sunday.
  • Answered Prayers

    Answered Prayers
    On my birthday, September 9th, 2012, my son Timmy was involved in a football injury that would change his life. Two players hit him on both sides of the head, which led to a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and eventually a stroke. Timmy was 11 years old when this happened. We would spend the next 7 years facing seizures, memory loss, homeschooling, and education concerns. Throughout these years, I saw God work miracles. Miracles that only he could answer.
  • My Healing

    My Healing
    On New Year's Eve 2017, I was admitted to the hospital after 3 months of excruciating abdominal pain. I knew something was wrong, but no answers. My husband took me to the ER, and it was then that a Nurse practitioner found abnormalities in my stomach. After an 8hr surgery, it was discovered that I was septic, my appendix, uterus, ovaries, and 5 ft of my intestines/colon were removed, and a colostomy bag was added. Three more surgeries would follow. God was with me through this storm.
  • Growing After the Lesson

    Growing After the Lesson
    The Sunday my Mother passed away I taught the adult Sunday school class. I will never forget that lesson. I believe God gave me that lesson because he knew I would need to remember it for the rest of my life—agape love.
  • The Teacher

    The Teacher
    Losing my Mother on Valentine's Day was the lowest point in my life. However, I learned more from the Lord that year than I ever did. I learned he had a plan even when I didn't believe it. It wasn't until after the death of my mother that I started seeing his plan for my family.