
Failure of Collective Security

  • Period: to

    Shortcomings of the League of Nations

    The main reason The League failed was because America never did join. Congress wanted a peace that didn't involve America with Europes affairs. This left France and Britain as the to largest powers. It didn't help that they kept undermining the League by making deals outside of it. This continued to weaken the league, not only by breaking the Leagues rules, but making it look weak. How could the League protect countries, if the strongest powers wouldn't follow the rules?
  • Washington Naval Conference

    Washington Naval Conference
    The Washington Naval Conference was held to discuss the disarmament of America, Britain, and Japan's navies. It reduced the amount of ships that were allowed to be buit. It was the first successful disarmanet treaty in history. But, it did create a race to build cruisers, wich were only limited by weight not numbers. This also paved the way for Japan's entrance into WWII. Britain and America were significantly weaker, so when japan withdrew in 1936, she was able to build up a strong navy quickly
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Was created help Germany pay reparations. To do this, Allied troops left the Rhur, payments would start at 1 billion marks, and grow to 2.5 billoin anually after 5 years. The Reichsbank was reorganized under the supervision of the allies. Reparations payments included excise, transportation and custom taxes. It was obvious that Germany would be unable to pay such large repartions, and the plan was scraped in favour of the Young plan in 1929.
  • Locarno Pact

    Locarno Pact
    This pact disallowed Belgium, France and Germany to attack each other, except in "legitimate defense". It basicaly created a "no-mans land" between the three. Allied troops were removed from the Rhineland 5 years ahead of schedule. This left no military presence in the area, and allowed Hitler's troops to enter the Rhineland with ease in 1936
  • Kellog-Briand Pact

    Kellog-Briand Pact
    This was an International treaty that was created to keep countries from waging war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them". (Kellog-Briand pact 1928, Yale University). This Pact is still in place today under international law. One thing that may be a threat to Collective Security my be that USA was not obliged to inforce the rules of the pact, even though she was the strongest nation at the time.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    Was a revamp of the Dawes Plan, wiht the same basic goal, to help Germany pay Reparations. The main points were, to not pressure Germany into paying right away, reduce debts by up to 90%. these would only go into effect if America cancelled war debts. This plan allowed certain conservative groups to rally against it, saying that war guilt, and reparations should be removed alltogether. Hitler was part of one of these groups.
  • Manchurian Crisis

    Manchurian Crisis
    This Event was staged by Japan as an excuse to invade manchuria. The Japanese army attempted to destroy part of their railway, and blame it on chinese terrorists. The League sent Lord Lytton with a group of officials to investigate which to a year. In 1933 the League told Japan to leave Manchuria. Japan refused and left the league. The League didn't do anyting after Japan left.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    Was an agreement to uphold the locarno pact, and stop Germany from building up an army, who was palnning on have 750,000 men, way more than she was allowed. Mussolini agreed beacuse he thought that France and Britain would stay out of the Abyssinia Crisis. The terms of the treaty were vague, no one wanted to invade Germany, even though it was the only way to get Hitler to stop building and army, and Britain didn't want to anger Hitler, so this kept options open for Hitler. The plan was a failure
  • Invasion of Abyssinia

    Invasion of Abyssinia
    Mussolini wanted to expand Italian somalia, by invading Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Abyssinia appealed to The League of Nations, which said that Italy could have a portion of Abyssinia, if it stopped the invasion. Both countries refused. Italy easily destroyed Abyssinia's military, as it was 100 years behind Italy's. The League had failed to do anything, and by 1936 it was too late, as Italy had Abyssinia.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Fascist rebels attempted to overthrow the Rebublican government, although they didn't acomplish much. The Spanish army was more advanced, and better trained. Nazi Germany, Italy and Portugal backed the rebels. The Soviet Union and Mexico helped out the Democratic government. The rebels lost most of their battles, victory only came for them in 1939, when they were able to take Madrid, and other important cities. A Dictatorship was set up, and all "dissidents" were expelled from the country.
  • Invasion of China

    Invasion of China
    Japan wanted China's resources and raw materials, so they invaded. At first Japan was doing well, she had taken Shanghai, and the capital of Nanking. The Chinese government kept retreating into the heart of the country. By 1939, China was able to push back, and the war reached a stalemate. In 1941, Japanese forces bombed Pearl Harbour, which brought the U.S. into the war, which helped China. The U.S. put up a fight, and in 1945 Japan surrendered, thus ending the war with China.