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Fahrenheit 451

  • House of Fire

    House of Fire
    As Beatty takes Montag somewhere, they show up in front of Montag's house. Montag knew was was going to happen. He knew he was there to burn down his house and the books.
  • Mildred fleeing

    Mildred fleeing
    Mildred knows what's going to happen to their house and isn't prepared to realize it quite yet. She runs out and leaves with everything, without even saying goodbye to Montag. She says "family is gone, everything is gone now." Montag didn't know what to think, as he kept yelling her name as the beetle dashed down the street.
  • Is Mildred really his wife?

    Is Mildred really his wife?
    Montag finds out that Mildred was the one who turned the alarm on and also took his hidden books from his garden back into the house. She said that it was "his house, his cleanup", meaning that she couldn't help him from what he did, and so she did him a favor by turning him now before it got too late.
  • Beatty picks up the bluetooth earplugs

    Beatty picks up the bluetooth earplugs
    Beatty sees that Monatg has dropped something. He notices that they are the bluetooth headphones that Montag has been using with Faber. Beatty said "we'll trace this and drop it on your friend" meaning that Faber was going to be burned.
  • Beatty surrenders

    Beatty surrenders
    After Beatty made Montag burn down him house, and threatened him by saying that he was going to jail after he was done, Montag pulled out a gun. Beatty just stood there and said "do it, you won't." Beatty didn't even try to get out of it making it seem like he wanted to die.
  • Mechanical Hound

    Mechanical Hound
    After Beatty dies, Montag runs into the one he was trying to avoid, the mechanical hound. The mechanical hound jumps to hit Montag and goes right over him, shooting a needle in his leg, injuring him severely. The mechanical hound dies.
  • Need the books

    Need the books
    After Montag had the fight with the hound, he walked back to the house with his injured leg to get the remaining books in the garden and he took them with him as he was thinking about going to Faber's.
  • Police report

    Police report
    On the radio, Montag heard "Police Alert. Wanted; Fugitive in city. Has committed murder and crimes against the state. Name: Guy Montag. Occupation: fireman. Last seen...". He ran for his life.
  • The beetle

    The beetle
    As Montag was trying to run, he encountered a beetle coming his way. He thought it was the police. He started running while the books were falling out, and he fell, as the car ran over his hand.
  • Clarisse?

    Montag realized that the people in the car were just teenagers wanting to go after someone. He didn't know why but he was still scared. He wondered if they were the ones who killed Clarisse.