Jan 1, 1400
Bible-Based Conviction
After months of mayhem in the wilderness, Hebrew Bible scribes write Leviticus. In it is the homosexually incriminating verse: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Read more about (RMA) the principles behind this biblical law and why it might have been established in the first place in Part II Chapter 4 It’s Church Time! -
A U.S. Court judge sentences a colonial American Negro to be choked to death, have faggots plied around him, and then “burned to ashes” for the offense of sodomy. Several nations currently have equally torturous, highly imaginative death sentences for “faggots.” Ever wonder why such hate? RM in Pt. II Ch. 4 I’m Just Asking -
The Legal Discrimination of Homosexuality
During the fight for American Independence and the American pursuit of liberty and justice, the framers of the U.S. Constitution did not consider homosexuals a part of the “for all mankind,” making discrimination against homosexuals perfectly legal. RMA the rhymes and reasons for this democratic oversight and the fight for gay rights in Pt. II Ch. 5 We Stand on the Shoulderpads of Drag Queens and Saints of the Gay Cultural Revolution! and Pt. III Ch. 8 Cue the Wedding Bells: Here Comes the PRIDE -
Balls to the Knife!
Nice guy Thomas Jefferson suggested castration as opposed to death for men who committed sodomy. Thanks, big guy! RM in Pt. II Ch. 4 I’m Just Asking -
Gay Bar
The first known gay bar, The Dash, opens in San Francisco. Like many gay bars that would come after, it was shut down (six months later). Laws changed. More gay bars have opened and most now are a far cry from the windowless, non-descript dives they once had to be. RM in Pt. II Ch. 5 The Evolution of the Gay Bar -
Military Slight
Under President Woodrow Wilson, the armed forces enacts its “Blue Discharge” separation policy in which homosexuals, whether or not they were sexually active, were given the boot and lost all benefits. In 1944, under Franklin Roosevelt, the discharge was changed from a “blue” label to “dishonorable” and “undesirable.” RMA these precursors to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in Pt. I Ch. 2 Domestic Battle -
Among the ballsiest of invasive procedures in the effort to cure homosexuality was testicle switching—the transplant of a presumed straight man’s balls (from crooks, crazies, dead men, and animals) into a gay man’s sack in order to “remasculinize” the gay. It’s a practice that lasted more than 30 years. RMA other mind-blowing conversion efforts to “cure” the homosexual in Pt. II Ch. 5 Wannaswitchers -
Sexual Continuum
Famed sex researchers Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy, and Clyde Martin theorized that human sexuality exists on a continuum. They published their six-point Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, which at the time rendered a shocking amount of not so solidly straight men. RM in Pt. I Ch. 1 1 + 1 = Infinite Sexual Probabilities -
Crazy Gays?
The American Psychiatric Association in its premiere edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), called homosexuality a “mental disorder.” RMA the impact of the diagnosis on gays in Pt. I Ch. 2 Call me Crazy! -
The Fight for Gay Rights!
NYC police raided the Stonewall Inn, a West Village gay bar. The gays fought back. A three-day riot ensued. People were hurt. Cops were hurt. Many were arrested. It marked the beginning of the gay revolution. RM in Pt. II Ch. 5 We Stand on the Shoulderpads of Drag Queens and the Saints of the Gay Cultural Revolution! -
The Fight for Homosanity!
Gay advocates and especially gays, including members of the secret Gay Psychiatrists Association (GAYPA), fight the APA to change the diagnosis for homosexuality. Humanity wins. Homosexuality is no longer classified as a “mental disorder, but falls under “Sexual Disorders Not Otherwise Specified,” which means one has “persistent and marked distress” about one’s sexual orientation. RM in Pt. I Ch. 2 Call Me Crazy -
The Bewitching of Gays
American singer Anita Bryant began her Save Our Children campaign, which strongly connected gays with sexual predators and molesters. In the 21st century, American missionaries, such as Scott Lively and Minister Rick Warren, are lodging similar campaigns across Africa. RM in Pt. 2 Ch. 4 Missionary Position -
Rainbow Flag
Gilbert Baker recognized that as humans we are colors. He sought to reflect the diversity of the LGBT community through the rainbow stripes of his 1978 freedom flag. Instead, his flag has become a commercial representation of sexualities: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. RMA the impact of color in our community in Pt. II Ch. 5 The Name Game -
Crisis in a Community
The onslaught of AIDs in the gay community starting with the first known case in the 1980s lead to stronger efforts toward monogamy and safer sex. Sustaining either of these is based on more than a notion. RMA the struggles of monogamy and the new surrender to bareback sex in Pt. II Chapter Sex, Pt. III Ch. 8 Resolute, and Pt. III Ch. 9 Top 10 Ways to Mate-a-Man -
A First!
At age 24 and while still actively playing tennis, Czech born American immigrant Martina Navratilova announces she is gay. She is the first active player in a major American league sport to make this brave announcement. RMA Martina and other gay revolutionaries in Pt. II Ch. 5 We Stand on the Shoulderpads of Drag Queens and the Saints of the Gay Cultural Revolution! -
They Treat us Like Poison
Fearing contamination of the nation’s blood bank, the USFDA announces a lifetime ban barring any man who's had sex with another man since 1977 from donating blood. RMA the projected outcomes of this and other stigmatizations on gays in Pt. I Ch. 2 Bred -
An American study in 1989 revealed drug and alcohol usage to be a significant problem among gays. A similar 2012 UK survey reveals that gays are seven times more likely to use drugs than the general population. To avert the pain of anal sex is one reason. RMA some of the other reasons in Pt. II Ch. 5 So High -
Ballroom Extravaganza!
Jennie Livingston releases her acclaimed documentary, Paris is Burning. RMA why gay men feel the need to “give good face!,” in Pt. II Ch. 5 Voguing, Houses and the Ballroom Scene: The Extravaganza! -
Express Yourself!
Madonna debuted her “Truth or Dare” documentary, which caused many to dabble in ‘taboo sex’ and raised the age-old question: “Does nature or nurture determine sexuality? RM in Pt. I Ch. 1 The ‘Why Come?’ of Homosexuality: Because God is Gay -
Uncompromising Conviction!
RuPaul Andre Charles becomes the first drag queen to achieve Billboard success with her hit “Supermodel (You Better Work).” RMA her 'herstory' in A Queen’s English, A Very Gay Dictionary -
Compromised Lives
President Bill Clinton instituted ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ a policy allowing gays into the military as long as they didn’t tell they were gay. The compromise still resulted in more than 13,000 gay soldiers being dishonorably discharged. RMA the ongoing compromise that keeps American LGBT at war with the U.S. military in Pt. I Ch. 2 Domestic Battle -
Defense of Marriage Act
Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA) introduced the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as “between a man and a woman.” June 26, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court granted federal benefits to ‘man and man’ and ‘woman and woman,’ recognizing them, too, as married and same-gender spouses. RMA the final barrier to marriage equality in Pt. III Ch. 8 Cue the Wedding Bells: Here Comes the PRIDE -
Ellen Degeneres comes out as gay in Time Magazine, which coincides with the coming out of her character on her ABC televised sitcom, “Ellen.” RMA the heroic efforts of Ellen and other saints of the gay revolution in Pt. II Ch. 5 We Stand on the Shoulderpads of Drag Queens and the Saints of the Gay Cultural Revolution! -
Gay Bashed
Two men lured 21-year-old college student Matthew Shepard out of a gay bar, robbed him, severely beat him, and then tied him to a fence leaving him to die, presumably because he was gay. Shepard died six days later. RMA the hate that persists, if only because men are gay in Pt. II Ch. 5 Gay Bashed -
Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) becomes the first openly gay Senator-elect. RMA Saint Tammy and other gay sheroes and heroes in Pt. II Ch. 5 We Stand on the Shoulderpads of Drag Queens and the Saints of the Gay Cultural Revolution! -
Private-Life Victory!
After jealous lover Robert Eubanks, a white male, calls 911 with a complaint of a “black male with a gun,” he directs authorities to the house of John Lawrence. Texas sheriff’s say they find Lawrence and Tyron Garner engaged in sodomy. The two are arrested for the crime. Represented by Lambda Legal, Lawrence and Garner fight the sodomy charge. In the U.S. Supreme Court they win. Six centuries of American sodomy laws are overturned. RM in Pt. II Ch. 4 I’m Just Asking -
Marriage Equality: "I Do."
Massachusetts becomes the first state to allow marriage equality. By 2013, 12 additional states had joined rank bringing the total to 13. Gay men quickly learn that achieving the happily-ever-after requires a more concerted effort than the general “I do.” RM in Pt. II Ch. 5 “Which of you is the ‘lady?’” and Pt. III Ch. 9 Top 10 Ways to Mate-a-Man -
Anal Pleasures
In a 2005 sex survey, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that 40% of men and 35% of women between the ages of 25 and 44 had engaged in heterosexual anal sex. Nothing new! In the 1940s, 65 years earlier, sex researcher Alfred Kinsey concluded pretty much the same revealing that backdoor sex happens more frequently among straights than gays. RM in Pt. I Ch. 1 The Reality of Gay Sex! -
Conjugal Visits
California becomes the first state to offer homosexuals conjugal visitation rights (in compliance with its Jan 1, 2005 law to give domestic partners equal rights). In 2011, NY became only the second state to do so. RM in Pt. I Ch.1 Exposed: A straight, gay conversation, and Pt. II Chapter Sex -
Why Do Guys Act Girly?
In a 2007 MTV interview with Sway, hip hop impresario Kanye West admitted to bouts of femininity. West told Sway, “You ain’t have no father figure, or you wasn’t around your father all the time, who you gonna act like? You gonna act like your mother…and then everybody in high school be like, “Yo, you actin’ like a faggot! Dog, you gay?” Fact is just because a man is feminine doesn’t mean he’s gay. RM in Pt. I Ch. 1 It Takes One to Know One and Pt. II Ch. 5 Why Ya’ll Act So Gay? -
Cue the Wedding Bells: Here Comes the PRIDE!
June 16, 2008 Californians wed, 18 thousand of them; By Nov 7, they wed not. The CA State Court said ‘yes’ in June. By November, 52% of the people of California voted ‘no.’ June 26, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled CA had to make a choice. June 28 CA gay marriage is back on..for now. RMA the topsy-turvy of marriage equality in America in Pt. III Ch. 8 Cue the Wedding Bells: Here Comes the PRIDE -
Breaking Point
The Trevor Project, the only 24-hour LGBT suicide prevention hotline, says the amount of suicide calls increased 300% over a one-year span. RM about the suffering that causes men to break in Pt. I Ch. 2 Walk a Mile in My Pumps -
Generation 'Middle-Finger'
The APA says members of the millennial generation are not coming clean about their sexuality, which is complicating their research to determine who is and who is not gay. RM in Pt. I Ch. 2 Generation ‘Middle-Finger’ -
In 2009, the subject of normalcy was heavily discussed after a female Olympian seemed to unnaturally run the wheels off of her competition. She had testes. She is a woman. RMA our normal differences in Pt. I Ch. 1 All Fetus are not Created Equal -
Righting Wrong
Pope Benedict apologizes for the “unspeakable crimes [of sexual abuse] within the church and by her ministers,” but pedophilia should never be mistaken for homosexuality. So, if the homosexual is not they typical pedophile who is? RM in Pt. I Chapter 3, Molestation and Pt. I Ch. 3 Molestation Defined -
Executive In-Decision
President Obama repealed ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ ending the 18 year compromise on gay military citizenship…for some. RMA why the fight for LGBT military citizenship is not over in Pt. I Ch. 2 Domestic Battle -
In an interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, President Obama becomes the first sitting U.S. President to endorse same-sex marriage. RMA the growing acceptance of homosexuality in Pt. II Ch. 5 Gay Bashed and Pt. III Ch. 8 Cue the Wedding Bells: Here Comes the PRIDE -
Apps and Webs of Sex
On any given night, on a multitude of gay hookup sites, hundreds of thousands of gay men spend hours online in search of a quick fix. RMA the web of sex that has gay men all caught up in Pt. III Chapter 7 Inter-netted: All Caught Up! -
34-year old National Basketball Association player Jason Collins announces in Sports Illustrated magazine that he is gay. He is the first active male player in a major American league sport to make the announcement. Despite the many examples, coming out remains uneasy. RMA the ‘coming out’ process in Pt. III Ch. 9 Voices Rising/Speak Those Words -
Advances in HIV care and scientific breakthroughs are allowing HIV positive people to live longer, healthier lives. The fear of dying is subsiding and so is the use of caution. With lives still on the line, is it smart for gays to resume barebacking and how should men approach the subject? RM in Pt. II Chapter Sex and A Novelette: The Problem Isn’t You, Not Always (not in F.A.G., sold only online @ factsaboutgays.com) -
F.A.G. Website Release. Pre-orders accepted. Get into it!