FACS History of Family & Consumer Sciences Timeline

  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    She wrote "A Treatise on Domestic Economy" in 1841. It was the first FACS textbook recognized in the Education department.
    She wrote 33 textbooks total.
  • Period: to

    Ellen Richards

    Ellen Richards life span was from 1842-1911. She was known for being the founder in family and consumer sciences.
  • Land Grant Universities

    Land Grant Universities
    To utilize the mass amount of empty land in the west, the government designated a grant that allowed each state to form a university on the excess land. Raising opportunities in agriculture, domestic economy, and industries were encouraged through this grant. This funding was sponsored by Justin Smith Morrill.
  • Justin Smith Morrill - Morrill Act of 1862

    Justin Smith Morrill - Morrill Act of 1862
    The Morrill Act made a significant change to universities and colleges within the United States. It implemented federal funding for higher education institutions.
  • Ellen Swallow Richards - Higher Education

    Ellen Swallow Richards - Higher Education
    Ellen was admitted to Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. There was not an option to select a major. All students studied church history, Latin, Greek, Bible, calculus, and astronomy.
  • Ellen Swallow Richards - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

    Ellen Swallow Richards - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    Ellen was voted in by the school committee as a "special students". She was closely monitored on a trial bases. She was the first women to be accepted as a student by a scientific school. She studied chemistry.
  • Ellen Swallow & Robert Richards marriage

    Ellen Swallow & Robert Richards marriage
    Ellen Swallow and Professor Robert H. Richards got married. He was the department head of mining engineering at MIT. They both worked together in chemistry of ore analysis. Through this work, Ellen became the first women elected president of American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering in 1879.
  • Ellen Richards - Oecology

    Ellen coined the term oecology which is now known as ecology during her time working at MIT. She founded the science for ecology.
  • Benjamin Thompson- late1800s

    Benjamin Thompson- late1800s
    In the late 1800s, he was the first to claim nutrition as a science. He also discovered the first range of temperature controls.
  • School Lunch Program in 1894

    School Lunch Program in 1894
    Ellen Richards and Edward Atkinson helped initiate the first major school lunch program in Boston to provide quality meals to low income children at a reduced price. It has only grown from there.
  • Rumford Kitchen - Chicago World's Fair 1894

    Rumford Kitchen - Chicago World's Fair 1894
    The Rumford Kitchen exhibited the Department of Hygiene and Sanitation. It was used to demonstrate food preparation involving science as well as the nutrition information and pricing.
  • Lake Placid Conference 1899

    "Home Economics" was named as a new field of study after deliberation.
  • Martha Rensselaer - 1890s-1900s

    Martha Rensselaer - 1890s-1900s
    She was a professor at Cornell University. She attended Lake Placid Conference in 1899 as well as developed a Cooperative Extension Service focus at the University she taught at in the 1900s. She was the President of AAFCS
  • W.O. Atwater - 1844-1907

    W.O. Atwater - 1844-1907
    He is also known as the "Father of Nutrition". He studied exercise metabolism. He was apart of the studies involving calorie expenditure, metabolic rate, and gas exchange. He invented the Bomb Calorimeter.
  • Carolyn Hunt - 1865-1927

    She achieved her bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1888. She conducted two studies of the immigrant and ethnic populations in Chicago. She also attended Lake Placid Conferences.
  • American Home Economics Association AHEA formed

    In 1909, AHEA was developed. It's mission was to improve living conditions at home, in institutional household and within the community.
  • Omicron Nu - National Honors Society

    It was first founded in Michigan Agricultural College. The name of the society changed to Kappa Omicron Nu when merged with Kappa Omicron Phi Honor Society. Phi Upsilon Omicron was founded as well to acknowledge scholarships in FCS.
  • Smith Lever Act of 1914

    Smith Lever Act of 1914
    This Act created the Cooperative Extension Services. It assisted in continuing the curriculum mission in land-grant universities. It even added a focus in relating agriculture, home economics, and rural communities to practical application.
  • Smith Hughes Act of 1917

    Smith Hughes Act of 1917
    This was the first Act with vocational education that was not part of typical high school curriculum. It requires students to learn about family and consumer sciences in public high schools. It is called Career and Technical Education CTE today.
  • Carl Perkins Act

    Carl Perkins Act
    Carl Perkins Act aids secondary and postsecondary vocational education programs involving business, agriculture, and technology.
  • Scottsdale Conference in 1993

    It involved the examination of the AHEA's mission, breadth, scope, & name. A new name and framework was formed. AHEA, as of 1994, was called AAFCS which was developed during this conference.
  • AHEA changed to AAFCS

    AHEA changed to AAFCS
    AAFCS stands for American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. It is an organization that networks professionals to FCS careers and opportunities.