Spazio vitale
The idea behind Mussolini's foreign policy was that of spazio vitale (vital space), a concept in Fascism that was analogous to lebensraum in German National Socialism. The concept of spazio vitale was announced in 1919, when the Mediterranean was claimed as Italy's exclusive sphere of influence -
Black Shirts
Italian Camicia Or blackshirts were members of any of the armed squads of Italian Fascists under Benito Mussolini, who wore black shirts as part of their uniform.
They were first organized in 1919 -
Inspiration from the Russian revolution
1920 Inspired by the Russian revolution Italy sided with the Bolsheviks and began to take possession of factories and land. Property owners were scared by this. -
Discrimination against Slavic people
Mussolini viewed the Slavic people, people who lived in Central Europe, as inferior and barbaric. He wanted to take the Slavic territory as his own. -
March on Rome
October 1922, Italy seemed to be slipping into political chaos. The Black Shirts marched on Rome and Mussolini presented himself as the only man capable of restoring order. -
Discreditation of liberal regime
The fascists created enough disorder to discredit the liberal regime, and then marched on Rome, where King Victor Emmanuel asked Mussolini to form a government this happened in 1922 -
Corfu incident
Corfu incident was the brief occupation of the Greek island of Corfu by Italian forces. In 1923 Italians forming part of an international boundary delegation were murdered on Greek soil, leading Benito Mussolini to order a naval bombardment of Corfu -
Il Duce
Mussolini eventually took apart the foundations of democratic government and made himself dictation in 1925 with the title "Il Duce" meaning, the leader. Wanted to re-establish Italy as a great European power. -
Police state
Italy became a police state in 1925. It happened when mussolini established his own personal dictatorship -
In 1926 police were given greater power. Mussolini then formed a secret police called the Ovra -
Catholic church
1929 Mussolini settled matters with Pope Puis XI with the Lateran treaty and the Concordat. These granted the pope sovereignty around St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican. The treaty also protected the role of the Catholic Church in education and guaranteed that Italian marriage laws would conform to the Catholic dogma.
Kishlansky, Geary, and O'Brien. Civilization in the West. -
Invasion of Ethiopia
Mussolini invaded Ethiopia and ruthlessly slaughter locals. He dropped gas bombs over villages and towns from air planes. This happened in the year of 1935 -
On 23 March 1936, Mussolini announced the policy of autarky, a policy of economic independence which became the fascist response to the economic sanctions imposed by the League of Nations for Italy’s transgression in Ethiopia -
Invasion of Albania
Mussolini invaded Albania and put up a puppet government in Albania. This happened in 1939. ww2db.com- c. Peter Chen -
Consolidation of power in Libya
Consolidation of power in Libya happened in 1939. It happened when Mussolini took power in Libya -
Kishlansky, Geary, and O'Brien. Civilization in the West.----- self.gutenburg.org---------ck12.org, Karen Lawson----------bbc.co.uk---------------McKay, Hill et all. Wadsworth Cengage learning.-----------Ellis and Esler, World History, Prentice Hall.-------------ww2db.com c. Peter Chen ---------- newworldencyclopedia.org----------localhistories.org------- Britannica.com