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F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Where and when he was born and raised.

    Where and when he was born and raised.
    He was born in September 24, 1896 Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota.
  • School

    He enters Princeton University in the class of 1916. He shows good literary talent in high school and college. He’s a observer of money, power, and character.
  • Army

    After Scott joins the military he is stationed at Camp Sheridan near Montgomery. He was expecting to die in the trenches of Europe so he writes his first novel as quick as he can
  • Scott and Zelda

    Scott and Zelda
    Scott and Zelda both meet at a county club dance in Montgomery. Scott is captivated by Zelda but she keeps several suitors.
  • Life after war

    Life after war
    When The Great War ended. Scott is out from the army. He finds work in New York City at an advertising agency. He visits in Montgomery, penniless and unpublished. When he proposes to Zelda but she declines.
  • First Novel

    First Novel
    When, This Side of Paradise is accepted by Scribner’s, Zelda accepts Scott’s proposal of marriage because he actually published.
  • Europe

    Scott and Zelda both travel to Europe before the birth of their baby.
  • France

    The Fitzgeralds and the baby go to France on the Minnewaska, escaping prohibition, because of the high cost of living in America.
  • No Home (Paris)

    No Home (Paris)
    The family travels in France and then settles in Paris. They will spend their whole lives in hotels and rentals but they are never going to own a home.
  • Back to America

    Back to America
    The Fitzgeralds return to America on the Conte Biancamano. They settle in a rented house in Delaware and Zelda begins dance lessons. In January Scott starts working on the film script for Lipstick in Hollywood. Him and Zelda stay at the Hotel.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression brings smaller amounts of money for Scott’s short stories, the family's only reliable income.
  • Back to Montgomery

    Back to Montgomery
    The Fitzgeralds return to Montgomery. Scott spends months in Hollywood working on a script for Red Headed Woman. While he is gone Zelda begins writing novels.
  • Cuba

    Zelda's last look of Scott is when they take a brief trip to Cuba. It is a hard and difficult trip but their love endures.
  • Scott dies

    Scott dies
    Dec 21, 1940 Scott suddenly dies of a heart attack at age 44. Scott’s literary legacy includes about 5 novels and 170 short stories which are read and enjoyed all over the world over.
  • Zelda dies

    Zelda dies
    Zelda dies in Asheville. Her paintings are among the few tangible moments of Scott and Zelda’s lives.